Chapter 1

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Serena woke to pitch blackness and it worried her. Last thing she remembered was going on a walk with Luna. Her heart stopped worried for her cat before she heard Luna groan.

"Luna are you ok?" Serena asked.

"I should be asking you that. Where are we." Luna said.

"I don't know." Serena replied nervously.

Luna sighed understanding her Princess's nervous response. Waking up like this would make anyone scared. However they then heard muffled speaking before whatever held them was blown open. Serena let out a squawk as she and Luna fell out.

They then saw a cat with flames by his ears.

"A cat?" Serena said blinking.

"I'm not a cat! I am the great Grim! Now give me the uniform." He yelled.

Serena then saw she was now in weird robes.

"When did this happen?!" She shrieked.

Luna glared at Grim growling. Usually she never growled but this cat made her.

"She will not." She said.

Serena then looked around as the two argued and saw several floating coffins. This whole situation was making her go on edge. Deciding to flee Serena immediately grabbed Luna and took off running. She ran as fast as she could, which was now pretty fast.

She raced down the hallway before entering a library.

"A library? I was hoping that was the way out." Serena groaned.

Luna nodded before the fire cat caught up to them.

"Thought you could escape the great Grim." He exclaimed.

"Leave us alone." Luna snapped.

Before Grim could say anything a whip wrapped around him.

"Huh?! What is this?!" He yelled.

"Considering it tough love." a male voice said before the owner stepped into view.

Serena pulled Luna closer as she stared at the man. He wore a blue suit with a matching top hat and coat on his shoulders. He also wore a bird like mask.

"It seems I also found the run away student as well." He said.

"Me? You must be mistaken. I'm not meant to be here." Serena said.

"Not meant to be here? The black carriage wouldn't have brought you if you weren't." The man said as Grim struggled.

Serena looked at him before finally recalling the horse and carriage she saw before everything went black.

"Now come along. We must return to the orientation. And we must speak of your unruly familiar." He said motioning to Grim.

"But he's not mine." She said before the man began walking.

Serena sighed as she followed behind. Hopefully she would get answers soon.


When they returned to the chamber Serena had learned the man's name was Dire Crowley and he was the headmage of Night Raven College.

"Now walk up to the Dark Mirror." Crowley said.

Serena swallowed before walking over.

"State your name." The mirror said.

"Serena Tsukino." She replied.

"The state of your soul is...unknown to me." The mirror said.

"What? How is that possible." Crowley said.

"Her magic is always changing, altering itself. To choose a dorm for her is impossible." The mirror answered.

It was dead silent before several people yelled at once.


Serena sighed and pulled back the hood hiding her face. It certainly shocked Crowley but before he could react Grim began causing problems and set the room on fire. Serena stepped out of the way and looked at Luna.

"We should leave while they're distracted." She said.

"I agree. This is ridiculous and the fact they could not tell you were a girl when you first spoke is unbelievable. Not to mention this is a all boys school. Rather improper to have you room with any off them if you are accepted." Luna said.

Her speaking caught the attention of two of the housewardens's attention.

"I don't know if we should be insulted or agree with the furball." One said.

"Go with both because I am." The other said. 

Serena then looked at them as Luna glared.

"I'm sorry about Luna. She's protective." She said.

"Any familiar would be." The one who agreed said.

"Hmph." The first one said.

Serena sighed knowing this would be difficult.


And she was right. After Grim was dealt with and the orientation was finished Crowley had tried to have the mirror send her and Luna home but it failed. As it turned out the two weren't from this world. Which lead to the Headmage taking the pair back to the library.

The search for anything about Serena and Luna's home ended up a dud too. Usually Serena never lost hope but this was starting to feel hopeless. Luna noticed her charge's expression and nuzzled her. Unaware to the two Crowley was observing them.

He knew there was a reason why Serena and Luna were brought to his school but he could not place it. Crowley couldn't simply allow a young lady to enter his school normally and had to have a reason why. It was then he came up with a idea. One that will help these two and a certain cat monster he knew was still around.

Hello everyone. It's been awhile. So I got sucked into Twisted Wonderland and can't escape. I decided to do this crossover because why not. I have two others in the process too. Now about my Crowley in this fic he'll be like his game version but a bit more responsible and slightly shady but fatherly to Serena. I will also be skipping some parts of the prolog and each chapter but it won't be that many. Hope you enjoy. Until next time bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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