Chapter 1

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"Y/n? Y/n?" your best friend exclaims your name as she runs into the school cafeteria. Everyone turns to look at her with a raised eyebrow as if she was a maniac or something. You are not doing anything different. Your eyes widen and you almost choke at your juice.

"Are you crazy?" you ask whispering as soon as your friend stand in front of you. You look around and you see all those judging stares towards your table. You hate attention and you hate your friend. She always has to be that noisy, no matter what.

She sits down, right next to you at a chair. She has a wide smile on her face. You frown and you wait for her to spill you the tea. That's how it goes every time your friend appears with that face of hers.

"You won't believe me when I tell you" he says clapping her hands in excitement. You roll your eyes at her.

"What?" you ask in frustration while you take a bite from your sandwich. Your eyes leave hers for a moment. You couldn't care less about school's gossips.

"Mr. Park is leaving school" she announces and you almost choke on your sandwich. That girl is really going to kill you one day... Your eyes widen and you start coughing. Your panicked friend taps your back lighlty while she rushes to help you.

"Oh my god!" she exclaims in panic. "Y/n, are you alright?" she asks in worry while you reach for your small bottle of water, taking one or two sips. Tears has formed around your eyes. Not becausr of sadness but because of all that coughing and straggle to not leave your beautiful life so soon.

"W-what do you mean he is leaving? Where is he going?" you ask surprised by her words.

"He retires. He said that he is way to old to keep up with our asses" your friend explains.

Minji, your friend, is always the first one to know about this things, since the prime minister is her father. She tends to eavsdropping her father's and proffesor's conversations and that's how she always knows about the upcoming tests and exams.

Mr. Park, the professor that she mentioned before, is your P.E teacher. He is not that old, he has to be close to his 60s, but he still can't keep up with all these students. The truth is that you never listened to him, not even once. And this is not applying only to you.

Almost every student on your grade -senior year- only cares about the final exams, which in fact are around the corner. There are less that 3 months left. Usually, at his period, they would sit on the yard and they would study or do homework. No one had time for playing games.

However, Mr. Park is also in charge of your school's football team, which is actually number one out of all schools in town. You're proud to say that your younger brother is also a part of the team. You usually go to his practises or his games and you clearly remember that Mr. Park was doing a really great job.

How is even someone going to replace him?

"Are you surious? And what about the football team? There as so many games scheduled fro the next two months" you state looking at her in worry.

She hums. "Don't worry about it. I heard that he is going to be replaced by a younger coach" she assures you with a smirk. You roll your eyes again.

"For real? Like how young you expect him to be? He will probably be at his 30s. He is way out of your reach" you tell her with a raised eyebrow while she pouts.

"I know. I have Yoongi anyways" she shrugs.

You look at her in disbelief. "Did you two not break up last week?" you ask her.

"We did, but he still wants me" she says proudly.

"Yeah, right" you say nodding your head multiple times in irony.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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