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*phone rings, camera pointing front house closing in with someone picking up the phone*

RIGO: hello?
PHONE: hello.
RIGO: who is this?
PHONE: you tell me.
RIGO: well I would but I don't know who this is. Bye now.
*rigo hangs up the phone and continues to talk to his friend on the other line of his phone*
RIGO: hey
HANNAH: hey, why did you take so long
RIGO: some dude on the phone was being weird
*rigo exits the kitchen and goes to the living room to lay on the couch*
HANNAH: oop get you someee
RIGO: shut up, anyways what were we talking about?
HANNAH: uhh- oh yeah, so how's your improvement with that one guy?
RIGO: oh right yeah ummm nothing much were just talking nothing special can't get too attached you know
HANNAH: don't worry I can prolly find him on social to see if he's into dudes
*both laugh*
RIGO: ha yeah ok-
*kitchen phone rings*
RIGO: ugh you gotta be kidding me
*rigo walks to the kitchen*
HANNAH: what? What is it?
*rigo sees its the same unknown number again*
RIGO: it's the same fucking dude who called me earlier
HANNAH: block it then
RIGO: how do you block on a house phone
HANNAH: first of all who the hell even has those anymore
RIGO: I don't know tell my mom that, look I'll call you back ima see what this dude wants
HANNAH: ok bet use your deep voice to act like someone else
*rigo uses his deep voice*
RIGO: yes ma'am
HANNAH: bruhhh bye haha
RIGO: bye
*rigo hangs up and picks up the house phone*
RIGO: hello?
PHONE: sorry I feel like we got off on the wrong foot last time
RIGO: yeah I guess, look who is this? Do I know you?
PHONE: no? Maybe? Who knows but let's get to know each other then?
RIGO: why would I do that with a stranger on the phone?
PHONE: i don't know maybe I need new friends
RIGO: and how can I trust this isn't a psycho?
PHONE: you're making this a lot more difficult than it needs to be
RIGO: ok so what do you want?
PHONE: do you like movies?
RIGO: I mean yeah but everyone loves movies
PHONE: do you like scary movies
RIGO: yeah it's my favorite genre of movies
PHONE: well then, what's your favorite scary movie
RIGO: you're actually quoting my favorite movie right now, scream
PHONE: ahhhh see it's gonna be easy
RIGO: naw not for me bye now
PHONE: you hang up on me and you'll end up just like every opening kill of the movies
*rigos heart sinks hearing those words*
RIGO: what did you just say...?
PHONE: *heavy breathing*
RIGO: look if this is you Brody, Rylan, Jordan, it's not funny
PHONE: now why would I be one of your friends calling you
RIGO: I'll call the cops if you don't stop calling this number
PHONE: you think I'm afraid of a little cop
RIGO: what do you want
PHONE: I want to play a game
RIGO: what kind of sick joke is this
PHONE: the kind that makes you keep your life, scream movie trivia, 3 rounds you call the cops you die get a question wrong you die, ready
RIGO: go for it
PHONE: who was the person accused for killing Sidney Prescotts mother.
RIGO: uhh... COTTON, cotton weary
PHONE: correct, now who was Samantha Carpenter's father
RIGO: billy.......billy loomis
PHONE: looks like you might live to see the sunrise, now, where did the stab movies get there idea from-
RIGO: GALE! It was gale weathers that they got the idea from and I won mother fucker ha
PHONE: oh I'm sorry but that's just not the right answer
RIGO: what... no no no that's right, the movies got the idea from gale weathers-
PHONE: BOOKS, they got the idea from her books not her, looks like you lost
*rigo runs to the living room to grab a weapon*
RIGO: come in this house and I'll show you who will lose fucker
PHONE: there's just one little issue in that
RIGO: oh yeah what's that
PHONE: did you forget to lock the back door again

*rigo runs to the back door and locks the top lock and bottom lock and looks outside to make sure it's safe*
*the phone rings from the kitchen and rigo slowly  approaching it*

RIGO:...what do you want

PHONE: the real question is, did you lock me out of your house or in it.

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