chapter 3 [Edited]

433 14 5


unexpect encounter


Boboiboy pov

It was the last time I saw miss Shanight in my dream, I still have business where is from miss Shanight request but I don't think I can doing this alone

So I called my elemental to help me to find any information about dark element or maybe other elements and the results is.......none

None of them heard about this elemental before and they asked me how I know about other elements existence

So....I told everything. Now me and the elemental felt confused and clueless about this. Until my Earth element or been called Gempa give me an idea about talk with Databot, since he is the first power sphera ever created

I'm sure It will be a long day to get any answer, hahaha




No one pov

Boboiboy walking to power sphera room to meet Databot, when he open the door he see Nut who now typing something on his computer

"Hi, Nut!" said Boboiboy excited about meet his engineer friend. Nut turn his head to Boboiboy and say "Boboiboy!!! Long time not see you"

It's truth, they rarely meet each other since they have their own work.

"Hehe, me too. So Nut, what are you doing? " asked Boboiboy

"Oh, this is my work to do. Admiral asked me to make a disc for save some Databot's data information. It also will help Databot to say clearly and we can get Databot information in the second" explained Nut

"Wow, it's already done?" question Boboiboy

" Yup, I just test it awhile ago, you can test it if you want. And excuse me, I have other gadjet to try about" said Nut and he go out from power sphera room. Now Boboiboy stay alone with other power spheras which now is charging

Boboiboy go to Databot and say "Umm Databot can I say some questions?"

Databot now meet Boboiboy face " Of can."

"Look like you can say a little bit clearly now" chuckled Boboiboy

"I'm hear it" smiled Databot

" So what.....kind want to ask?" asked Databot

" About...... Ancient/Hidden elemental.."

". . . ."

Silence, the sound only can heard is from Air Conditioner

" How.....are you can know........about them?" asked Databot who actually shocked but he doesn't show it

"So you know about them?"

" Yes.......they are the elemental.......from the about 1 million years ago...."

" Wait, 1 million years ago?!" shocked Boboiboy look like he will faint

" Yes........they been created before the elemental you have..........been created " said Databot

" many element that been created past ago?" asked Boboiboy

" 7...... among of them is dark element, steel element, soul element, toxic element, voice element, blood elemental.......lastly, magical element....."

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