Good Morning!

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Alex awoke quite suddenly to the sound of an incoming call.

*Bzz bzz ring ring ring bzz bzz*

They groggily slumped up and forward. Only half expecting an early morning call. After all
Lexi had been calling them in the morning off and on. It was really only when they had walked to school. The morning calls started mid 6th grade and continued occasionally throughout the rest of middle and high school.

Alex picked up the phone and answered clearing their throat, "I still can't believe you chose to have an early morning class." They started the call with the most common phrase to be said in mornings with calls.

"I still have no idea what you mean! It's a 10 am class." Lexi responded in a defiant tone, "Keep asking me questions I can't answer and I'll never call you again! Anyway you have a class in about and hour or two so you  should start getting ready."

"How did you even get my schedule?" Alex asked genuinely confused. The two weren't roommates. They lived close to each other but as Juniors in college they lived in shared homes near campus.

"The details aren't important. But breakfast is!" Lexi lectured Alex about having breakfast almost everyday.

"I haven't eaten breakfast in years.-"

"And it's never really gone well has it. You're only not underweight because you love bread and pasta so much!"

"You do to."

"Never said I didn't."

"I work off enough calories in volleyball Lex. I'm buffer than you!"

"And you won't keep that muscle if you don't take good care of yourself!"

"Fine I'll have some fruit. Good enough for you?"

"A bowl of fruit and some water!"

"You're going to make me drown myself."

"Better than being dehydrated."

"I suppose I have to be immortal until the day we agree on it."

"Yup. And so do I."

"You better be immortal horse girl!"

"Don't call me a horse gurrrrllll!"

"So what are you doing right now?"

"Trying to get ready for class."


"It's a little hard to get ready when I'm mad."

"Mad about what or mad at who?"

"Mad about being called a horse girl among other things and mad at you."

"Awwwwe" Alex laid back into their bed and stared at the ceiling while their conversation continued.

"Hey since you have time before any classes and I'm probably going to be late to my lecture do you think you could grab me a breakfast parfé?"

"Yeah I could just remind which class number your class is again."

"Mmm I think it's 568 in building 3"


Lexi hung up with a phrase Alex repeated to themselves for the rest of the day. Although it was missing a word that Lexi had chocked on. The word being "I" and the phrase "love you."

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