Chris's ABC's

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A - asking you out (how does he ask you out)

With flowers. You'll understand in a moment.

B - bonding (how do you get closer together)

Spend time with him. He's out A LOT doing fun things. He's super willing to go out of his way to pick you up to hang out or anything. Even just watching a movie or cuddling. Talk to him about Lyrical Lemonade, lil skies. Definitely gets him excited.

C - cuddling (favorite position?)

On your chest is the only right answer of course. Freckles all out and in the open. He wakes you up with kisses on your cheeks omfg. Running your fingers through his hair is the BEST THING EVER. 1 AM talks like that while you're both sleepy are the BEST.

D - date night (what do you do? Where do you go?)

Go to the beach or romantic dinner. Likes being alone with you. Loves romantic intimate dinners. Also loves when you get dressed up. You try really hard to get all dressed up for him since you don't do it very often and he goes all out every time. Definitely reminds you of your first few dates. 

E - entertainment (how so you entertain each other?)

Try not to laugh challenges, guess the rapper, guess the lyrics to the song, guess the song. Funny little youtube videos like that. Also for a youtube challenge you both created an edit for the other person and then had the others pick which on they liked better.

F - flowers (favorite type)

Rose's. It'll make sense I promise.

G -gifts (what do you get each other)

Rose's. Necklace that either has a 'c' or 'Chris' on it. Or matching bracelets.

H - hoodies (which hoodie Is your fav to steal)

Chris is a serious hoodie lover. He prides himself in his hoodie collection. Obviously your favorite were all his lyrical lemonade hoodies. They meant a lot to him, reminded you of him, smelt like him. If it meant a lot to him it meant a lot to you. And then FRESH LOVE CAME OUT. AND OMG ITS SO FRESHHHH. The grey one>>>

I - instagram (what do you post?)

Lots of instagram stories more than anything else. Also TONS of snapchat stories. Literally a whole private story with some fans and friends just to post chris being an idiot. "Dumb and Dumber" would probably be what it's called.

J - jokes (what do you do to each other)

Really (oddly) jokes about the future with you. Will be all like "aww can't wait to get married.... jk" and you're just like... "I'm sorry what?" He's not the biggest fan of making fun of you  will make fun of your height whether you're taller or shorter or whatever.

K - kisses (where does he like to kiss you?)

Lips. That's it end quote. BUT ANYWAY. he's more of a romantic then he let's of. Matt is more puppy love and Chris is more rom-com romance okay. Nick is like "leave me alone hoe I bark AND I bite."

L - love language (what are your love languages?)

either gift giving or matching outfits. NOTHING IS BETTER THAN MATCHING WITH CHRIS NOTHING. He also is really in aw of when you to match on accident. Great minds think alike. For gift giving, sweet little surprises. You both have jobs and you sometimes splurge on him. He gets so excited and cute over the smallest things. You bought him a rudolph phone case once. Literally cried when he had to get a new phone because he forgot what size the case was and got the wrong phone for it.

M - music (what do you listen to)

Surprisingly enough, he needs to have a more similar music taste with his girl than matt. Loves when you can sing songs together and literally just chill I'm his room blasting music together and singing and dancing.

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