1. Hate

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Leo hated Casey. He hated how the vigilante would rush into battle without a second thought. He hated how he'd put himself and others in danger just because he wasn't careful enough. He hated his smug, toothy grin and stupid catchphrase. He hated his long black hair and the way his face paint would smudge. He hated the reckless boy so much that every little thing infuriated him.

So why was it that he was lying in bed awake at night at 2:24 AM thinking about him?

The leader in blue grabbed his pillow, covered in a Space Heroes pillowcase, smothering it to his beak. He wanted to groan and hit himself for even thinking of it- but- was he starting to like-like the guy?

It didn't even make sense! They were polar-opposites! Well, Leo had a thing for Karai- before he found out they were related. Now that he thought about it, though, it seemed more like he admired the girl rather than liked her.

But that's unimportant. Casey Jones. Casey-fucking-Jones. Head-over-heels in love with April and Raph's best friend. Well, it seemed like he was over April. But he could be making googly eyes at some other chick. Or guy. Would he even like a mutant like Leo like that?

He rolled out of bed, joints aching from a battle hours prior ago. He had to meditate. Getting sleep was out of the question, and he didn't want to spend another minute thinking about a certain hockey player.

So imagine Leo's surprise when he exited his room, finding Casey in the common area. Watching Crognard at low volume with a can of beer in his hand. He wore his usual attire, staring at the screen as he took a sip of the distasteful drink.

"Casey? What are you doing here?" the turtle questioned. He wished he had put his mask on, or at least his gear.

"Leo!" the human beamed, and Leo had to shush him. "Woah- dude- you're like- in the nude. Naked as a mole rat."

It only took a moment to recover from being aghast. He stared at him, blinked twice, and had to make sure he didn't hit his head in battle earlier and pass out into a dream. "You- that's how you're starting the conversation?!"

Casey looked unbothered. "You're the one who started the conversation, man."

"How did we go from you being here to me not wearing anything-? Are you drunk?"

"Nah, just had a few sips. I ain't that much of a lightweight!"

Leo only sighed, seating himself besides the man. "You're sure acting like it."

"I got bored so I came down here. Didn't think any of you would be up, actually," Casey mused, setting down the drink. "Why're you up, Blue? Dreaming about me or something?" he asked, smug and completely unaware of how close to the truth his statement was.

Leonardo felt the heat on his cheeks, turning his head away. "I was just- thinking."


"Uh- the battle earlier. I thought all this trouble would be over, especially since it's been a few years since we defeated the Kraang and the Foot."

"Yeah man, it's like we can't catch a break. Some punk is always doing some shit around here, not that I'm complaining-"

"It's New York, what should we expect?" Leo chuckled, leaning back into the sofa.

The few minutes of silence were strangely comforting. Hell, Leo almost fell asleep if it wasn't for Casey wrapping a lanky arm around his shoulders. When did he get so close?

"Y'know, we've all known each other for a while, but I don't really think I know you, Leo." The turtle in question felt his breath hitch, slowly glancing at the vigilante.


"Like I know your favorite show, that you kick ass, that you're the blue guy, but what else?"

"Uh? I'm a giant mutant turtle, I'm-"

"No! Like, I don't know you as well as the other guys."

Well of course Leo wouldn't have a chance with Casey- they barely had one-on-one conversations.

He gave a sigh, "Well, what do you want to know?"

"Hmm. Here's one; Does the lack of action ever bother you?"

He blinked. "Well, it's a nice stress reliever to succeed in a plan. Fighting's always a bonus. But I can't complain about how there's more peace as of recent..."

"Whaddya' say we go out? Right now, try and stop a burglary or something?" Casey smirked, and Leo was again aware of the arm around him. He shuffled out of the grasp, standing.

"It's late, Casey."

"That never stopped us before!"

Leo shook his head. He couldn't argue with that. "Okay, fine, let me get my gear on and I'll be right back."


The night was uneventful. The two just spent an hour running across rooftops, lack of crime apparent. They had ended up back at Casey's apartment, deciding to take a break from the boring night.

Leo let his forearms rest on Casey's balcony railing. He was listening to the quiet of the city, turning at the sound of Casey's footsteps.

"It's kinda cool, hanging out with you n all," Casey murmured- voice softer than Leo had ever heard it.

"I can say the same," he smiled, meaning it. "We should do this more often."

"Heh. It's a date, then, Blue."

Damn Casey and his stupid wording. Leo turned away, not saying another word. He'd be foolish to trust himself with his mouth now.

The human tilted his head, "You good? Did I say something wrong?"

"Er, nothing. Just... tired."

"If you say so," the taller male shrugged. "You uh- heading home?"

Leo almost wanted to rush off into the night. But his eyes felt heavy and it would be criminal to just ditch Casey now. "It's kinda late- can I crash here?"

"Yeah, sure! I got a blow-up mattress I can set up in my room for ya."

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Got it, Captain!" Casey saluted, and the ninja chuckled at that as he left the balcony and headed back inside. Leo pulled out his T-phone, texted his family a heads up, and let himself back in.

What a night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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