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I furrow my brow as I watch the tall boy with curly ginger hair dangle a ball of hair over the head of a small, husky kid. The ginger boy seemed to be about my age, about 14 it 15, while the little one was probably only about 9 or 10. Curious as to what the hell was going on, I decide to move in closer and eves drop.

"Come on, kid! For only 10 dollars, YOU can be a man! You can reach puberty before all of your friends!"
Said the ginger boy in a tone meant to entice the younger boy.

"Oh, sweet! I can't wait to see the look on stupid Kyle's face when he finds out I hit puberty before he did!"
Exclaimed the 4th grader, pulling out some crumpled bills from his pocket and handing it to the boy, who handed the boy the wad of hair. The little kid skipped off.

Well, my curiosity got the best of me, so I walked up to the ginger boy.

"So. What was that about?"

I ask, sticking my hands in my (f/c) coat as I walk up behind the boy. He jumps a bit, before turning around to face me. He smirked.

"I just sold that sucker my pubes for 10$."
He mused. I cringed, contorting my face in disgust.

"Aw, Man! That's nasty. the hell did you  manage to sell him your pubes?"
I ask. The more I thought about it, the weirder the conversation got.

"I told him that when he got pubes, he'd hit manhood. He wanted to hit puberty before any of his friends, So I sold him mine! What a dweeb!"
He said, laughing. I furrow my brow.

"...Right. So, why did you have a ball of your own pubes on your person? And why did you sell them to a kid?" I asked him

The boy froze, his smugness faltering
"This uh.. A Routine of yours? Harvest your pubes and sell them to unexpected fourth graders?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Well— I uh— You See- I- Uhm..."
He started stuttering, trying to justify his actions. I laughed.

"Don't sweat answering, Pube boy. I frankly do not care. Or want to know." I say, grinning.

"...Right... heh heh.." He laughed awkwardly.

"Anyway, I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." I say.
"Scott Tenorman." He replied, flatly.

"Tenorman? Oh, You're in my science class. Thought you looked familiar. I'd shake your hand but I don't know where it's been and knowing this past conversation, it was probably in your pants, Plucking your pubes to sell to kids." I muse, looking down at him.

He rolled his eyes.
"Har Har, (Y/n). Very funny. Could you drop it before it gets any weirder?" He says.

"Sorry, Sorry. It's just.. Your pube selling intrigues me." I Utter.

"You find my pubes interesting, huh? Weird kink, but whatever gets ya hot and bothered."

I flush. He managed to turn this against me.

"Whatever.. the bells gonna ring in a bit. We have science, right? You wanna walk with me?" I say, Changing the topic and turning away.

"Sure, why not. Let's go." Scott said, making his way towards the school. I Trot behind him

"So, uh. How did you collect those pubes?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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