Break my heart. || Raphael x [ READER ] ( R )

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TYPE: Angst
TURTLE: Raphael 💣


You we're supposed to be a heartbreaker but dang, WHY DID A TURTLE STEAL YOUR HEART???

[ READER ] is a very known heartbreaker among her group of friends April & Vern but when you guys met the turtles it became quite the opposite, Lately you've been hanging around a certain red masked turtle and you are so down bad for him. " [ READER ] you can't feel like this for him, You're supposed to be a heartbreaker not someone who's smitten for someone! " She said to herself while spinning in circles in her room, She flopped onto her bed and called her very own therapist Donatello




" You are conversing with Donatello also know as Four eyes, Purple, Nerdatel- " " Donnie it's me [ READER ] you don't have to repeat the same thing every phone call you'll have. " " Oh! Sorry [ READER ], Do you need some advice right now? " She sighed " Yes, I really need some right now.. " " Go on " She massaged her forehead then continued to speak " So you know your brother right.. " " Which one? I've got like 3 " ".. Raph " " Oh. " He sighed " What did he do to you this time. " Donnie answered thinking She's going to complain about him, " Nothing! I just.. "

" I think I like him.. "




" WHAT? " " I know.. " " Aren't you the supposed to be said ' Heartbreaker ' based on what April and Vern told me? " " Yes! I was a heartbreaker, But when he came around it's like.. "

[ READER ] stayed silent thinking of a metaphor she can say about Raph and herself " Like you we're a solid ice cube and he instantly melted you? " Donnie asked which [ READER ] instantly agreed " Well I recommend what you can do is just to confess to him [ READER ] " After Donnie said that he immediately heard [ READER ] spill water " I HAVE TO WHAT? " " Well if you want to get rid of these feelings you have to confess your feelings to him. "

She sighed and answered " I'll think about it don, Thanks anyways " " You're welcome! Call me anytime you need advice " He said then hanged up. [ READER ] stood up from her bed and started to call someone.

" Hey Raph! Can you meet me at Busqueda Street rooftop, The New condo ... Yea, Right now ... Sure! Thanks "

To prepare herself for the worst.


You arrive at the said location and saw Raph already there, waiting for you. " Hey Raph! " You shouted trying to sound confident as if your feelings aren't going to be hurt. " What'd you call me here for Homegirl? " He asked jokingly with the nickname he always called you, You decided to become serious and tell him already.

" Listen Raph.. I like you. "
" I like you too squirt after all, You're my friend! " Raph said while side hugging you, You looked down at the ground and pushed him away lightly.

" No I meant, I like like you.. " Raph looked at you with confusion then with shock.

" [ READER ] I'm sorry.. But I don't like you that way, I think of you as like a little sister. "
Raph said the words you knew he would say, Shattering your heart in little pieces.

" It's fine Raph, We can still be friends if you're down for it. " " Yea I'm down for it, Sorry though.. " " It's alright! " You said smiling through the pain.

When Raph and Mona became a thing afterwards you we're happy for them, though sometimes you wonder-


Was it worth it breaking your heart?

This oneshot is inspired by the song Break my heart by Dua lipa I hope you enjoyed this :DD


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