1- doing something bad 🤪

12 1 0

TW  alcohol fighting swearing

word count 1265

Bang Bang Bang when you heard your door you hear Jack say y/n wake the hell up and you said five more minutes and Jack said you are going to be late for school again ( you may be wondering why y/n Jack said you're going to be late again it's because you missed the school and also you got into a fight).

when you woke up because of Jack you put on a bucket hat and a fire bracelet and you put on your school uniform and you went to your school and your school is called AHS and you saw your friends and you said hi to quackity George and sapnap and sapnap said hi to you and you would like hello and sapnap said let's go to our class and you were like okay but you bump into shlatt the kid that you got into a fight with and shlatt well well y/n you're back after a week I thought you would never come.

the backstory

 when you're just talking to your friend shlatt was getting on your nerves you were like oi  leave me the hell alone for my Bop your nose and shlatt said you're too weak to do that and you would like fine I will show you then and you punched him in the nose then you and him got into a fight you gave him a bloody nose and he gave you a black eye the head principal call Jack the principal wants hi is this Jack and Jack was like yes this is him what did YN do this time and the head was like she got in to fight with another student and Jack was like let me talk to her the head mistress gave you the phone and Jack was like did you win and you were like yeah are you bleeding and you were like no sir and he was like act like you're grounded no why am I grounded and the headmistress was happy.

 end of the backstory and let's skip a few hours later cuz I'm too lazy to write that you want to math and English and art and PE RE that's it.

 when you went back to the orphanage Jack was like some people want to see you and you were thinking in your head it's probably going to be like the same house every year and Jack took you to the meeting room where you met the Watson and you were like hi I'm y/n  and you heard him say I already know your name my name is philza but you can just call me phil if you want to 

y/n pov

when we drive away from the orphanage I see a fancy house and I left the vehicle and  phil was like follow me you're going to have to follow some rules and i was like okay and he goes on rule number one don't be rude to your siblings rule number two just have fun and I was like okay one of the boys are going to give you a tour and i heard a name tommy come downstairs and he was like fine I'm here and he looked at me and said you're a woman and I looked at him and I said no I'm not a woman I'm a man and Tommy was like what the fuck and I was like I'm joking I'm a woman okay and also you're probably tommyinnit and he looked at me and said how do you know and I looked at him and I said I watched your streams and where is Wilbur soot and Tommy looked at me and said he's in his band practice oh yes his amazing band and when he gets back tell him his song's is Amazing and show me my room I want to sleep you can show me the tour later and he was like fine I wanted to show you my cool room and I looked at him and I said I don't care about your room I bet is going to be messy.

 Wilbur's POV

 when I came home Tommy was like y/n said you're music is amazing and I looked at him shocked and said who the hell is y/n  and Tommy was like our new sister you fucking dumbass and I was like oh I forgot phil was fostering a kid and Tommy was like she is not a kid she is in year 8 and she's 13 and I looked at Tommy and said so you're one year older than her and Tommy was like shut up.

when I woke up I was in my school uniform and it was still early in the morning like around 4:12 pm I put on my clothes crop top and ripped jeans and I went down and I was going to ask phil but I got scared but I heard Hey kid and it was phil he asked me are you going somewhere and I was like yeah I was going to hangout with my friend's and he was like okay you're curfew is 10:00 am and I was like why not 11:00 am and he was like no 10:00 am make it 9:00 a.m. and he was like no 11:00 a.m. and I was like yes and I heard him laugh and say god dam fine and I said fuck yes well I put on my Air Force One.

I left the door and I see sapnap and quackity and George and an unfamiliar face I was like to George who is this and he was like this is my friend dream he said he came to come visit techno I think and he said yes I came to visit techno and I was like does techno knows and dream of like no can you text him for me and I was like okay and I texted techno and said your friend is out the door I'm leaving to go hang out with my friends tell Phil that I'll be gone and 11:10 me and my friends are just going to hang out and he spelled okay but I don't think Phil would like it and I said to dream you can go inside techno already knows and me and my friends went on George's Carr and we will like let's go hang out in our secret spot and all of us were like of course and I was like I brought a little bit of alcohol and it was dark fruit and I gave one to quackity ay you got the good stuff but it's been so long since I tried it where do you keep buying these and I was like somewhere from my sister it's been so long since I talked to her but I only asked her for some things like dark fruit but I think I will be drunk a little bit.

technos POV

when I told Phil that y/n and will be home at 11:10 he was like no I told her at 11:00 oh well my friend is going to come over and he was like it's fine and I was messaging YN and I was like Phil is mad and you better get home at 11:00 not my fault if you get grounded if you are go down the basement and I'll give you your stuff and she spelled okay big bro and I smiled and Phil asked me why are you smiling and and I told him y/n called me bro

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