20 Minutes

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You had been trying for what felt like forever to meet your boyfriend Teo. But everytime, he had to work or was called to work last second. You were at the point of just breaking up with him (though he didn't know) but decided to give him one last chance. He'd promised with all his heart that he'd meet you this time.

You waited nervously outside the cafe for him. This was make or break time. Your heart sped up when you saw him approaching. He was here, he was really here! And even cuter in real life. 

You'd planned to spend the whole day together so you were p*ssed af when the first thing he said was that he only had 20 minutes before he had to get back to work. You were so tired of waiting 20 minutes for him to f*cking breathe and now he only had 20 minutes to spend with you after waiting so long to meet him.

"Forget it," You said. "Just go back to work now, it's obviously more important to you than your so called girlfriend. We're over, Teo. Don't text me ever again. I deserve better."

You started to walk away but made the mistake (or not) of looking into his eyes. His beautiful eyes which were full of tears.

"You're right," He replied quietly. "You deserve so much better. I'm sorry. You mean the world to me and I wish I could show you that."

You paused and he stepped forward and caressed your face.

"I'm here now. Please don't go."

"Ok," You whispered.

"We can do whatever you want," He offered.

"Just hold me."

He wrapped his arms around you and it was the best feeling ever. You stayed that way until he had to to go. Then he kissed your lips gently and you knew you'd wait forever for him. 

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