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 I was awake in the middle of my nap on the trip when I feel dizzy. A moment ago, the plane I'm riding towards U.S. is waging like there was an earthquake but it stopped immediately. Afterwards I ate some of my foods because I felt hungry. After that the plane was waging again and it felt bad because it's not normal and it's very dangerous that my co-passengers were shouting and very scared.

            The lights inside went off and the pilot yelled, "Surrender the plane! There's a problem!" Some of the flight stewardess said some things for safety but I can't hear it because I was about to concentrate things around me then I saw a life saver jacket. When I have one, I went to the exit then I saw the ocean down. I jumped quickly without hesitation. It's not too high to jump if you're a river diver. When I landed in the water, I can feel the hotness of the sun. I swam as far as I can and look someone to save me. After about an hour ago, my sight went blacked out. Then, I fainted.

            When I felt something strange that the water hitting me disturbs me I have woken up and I saw body of water surrounding me but my body was on a land. But why am I alone? There are so many trees and all I can hear are birds chirping and the sound of water hitting the land. As I examined it I found out that I was on an island. I can't understand what am I feel right now. Am I happy because I'm alive? But sudden nervous linger me because I don't know what kind of place is this. I stared around again. Thoughtless. Afterwards I feel there was this heavy thing on my shoulders, as checked it, I found my backpack. I immediately get my cell phone to contact my sister, but urghh! No signal! All things were saved. I ate some of my foods because I feel hungry. While I'm eating I remember to find food for the breaking of the day. Then I found coconut tree, source of water. Next is I found lots of fruits and I went fishing. After food hunting I look for materials for my shelter immediately when I found some, I build it up and it looks comfortable, no choice. I set aside the extra materials or the extra twigs for my source of heat to fight coldness, to cook my food and of course light when night strikes. I was really, really afraid. I have no one to talk to so what I did is I played music from my cell phone. The money and charger I have was useless. I change my clothes and lay down to think how will I live and survive. Some possibilities come up in my mind. Will no one remember to save me? Or this will be my cemetery? Noooooo!!! I close my eyes and pray to the Lord thanking for what I have now, I understand a little why he did this because maybe it's not my time yet I still have missions undone. I believe all things have a purpose. Also I asked for his guidance and protection. I know my family will find and save me. I know that they are worried. Or there will be rescuers sent because the accident was reported. Then I smiled. I was happy because I have thought of a nice thought I was about to realize that sunset was about to begin. I stood up and cook some food. After eating I make the fire to stay longer so that if there are people there're able to recognize that I am here and to let no mosquitoes bite me. Then I lay down I feel nervous again because it's the first time I will sleep here. Later on I fell asleep.

            The thing awakens me was a bad dream but I can't recall the story. What for? Then I saw the nice sea in front of me. After that I took a bath and get dressed. I do the routines of preparing just like my normal life. After that I searched for food. I saw some cute and harmless animals that I have never seen before they were so friendly they were my buddies there. I visit them and play with them every day. They were the things that make me happy. But one day I have seen some dangerous animals. All I can do is to freeze. Later on they were gone.

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