Chapter - 3

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                    3rd person POV:

Time skip..

Seungmin was still in the hospital but he felt much better then yesterday. He was still bruised at some areas but right now his bruises are covered with bandages. "hospital food sucks.. " Seungmin thought to himself.

(What Seungmin had to eat. Sorry couldn't find much hospital food. I feel so dumb searching up 'hospital food' 💀)

^( i would not fucking finish that up cause that shit looks disgusting )

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^( i would not fucking finish that up cause that shit looks disgusting )

After Seungmin finished his food the nurse came in to take away the tray from him. The nurses always have a soft smile when they come inside the patient's room but then it fades away once they exit the room.. obviously it was a fake smile.

Seungmin was super bored as he had no one to talk to and Felix was busy with his problematic situation which Seungmin still doesn't know what it is about. He mostly stares at the walls, take a nap, eat, look at his phone, walk around or gets up to go to the toilet.

He always looks at the door waiting for Felix to appear but he doesn't. One of the nurses informed Seungmin that he could leave the hospital the day after tomorrow.

But Seungmin noticed something suspicious outside the windows at night. He always feel like someone is staring at him even though there is no one when he gets up to check. Seungmin have been stalked before but this time it felt different. He hears screaming sometimes and the screaming sounds like fear and pain, and after a while the screaming stops suddenly. Seungmin was curious to find out what's going on but he didn't want to be involved in anything dangerous.

The sounds come from the empty alleyway where Seungmin was bullied. He observed that there are some blood stains on the wall like splattered across.

The next day Felix didnt appear once again..Seungmin was worried for Felix. He leaves the hospital tomorrow but he couldn't sleep at all he was exhausted but thoughts  kept him awake at night.

.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・..・゜-: ✧ :-  

                  Seungmin POV:

I was staring at the wall blankly with no emotion, it was 10 in the evening. But then i heard it again. Screaming, I wanted to go and find out what is happening. I heard something like
" Stop please, dont hurt me!.. im sorry i wont do it again! *more crying* " but i wonder why no one else hears it.. maybe i'm going crazy?..

Hours passed by it was soon 2 in the morning. i started getting stressed out for no reason, shaking and shivering my eyes filled with tears. I couldn't stop then i remembered flashbacks from the past, flashbacks, past trauma.. abusive parents..


im a mistake..

a dissapointment..

a useless bitch..

why cant i just be gone? ..

why must i suffer from this pain.

why am i still here?..

why me.

why cant i just be happy for once!

Seungmin cried and cried he bit his bottom lip to muffle his cries so no one could hear him. Seungmin covered himself with the blanket covers and soon enough he fell asleep.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

guys im listening to POP! while writing about Seungmin crying and it feels so wrong 💀

Anyways i think i improved the amount of words i have written but im not good at writing angst cause i suck at it especially romantic scenes cause like im not used to it i have wrote so many stories before but end up deleting them because of how cringe they are 🤦‍♀️ I tried writing smut but ended up cringing so hard that i literally teared up 💀anyways im supposed to finish up my 13 pending homework but here i am writing Chapter 3 😚✌️ Chapter 4 will take a while to publish bcuz im running out of ideas 🏃💨 ill write in whenever i have free time.


bye everyone make sure to eat and drink water. stand up every 15-25 minutes for like 2 minutes atleast and walk around the area. Remember not to skip any meals! I love you all sm and your so sweet and the best humans in the world! Whenever your feeling down I'm here for you <3 Make sure to take care of yourself and stay safe & healthy luvs ❤

**✿❀ ❀✿****✿❀ ❀✿****✿❀ 

Words: 730

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