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IT'S ONLY BEEN A WEEK SINCE, Kaido went away to the hospital, but Nendo and Y/N still missed him and hoped he was alright. It was the complete opposite for Saiki though. The boy wanted to jump for joy whenever he walked into school just to see that Kaido wasn't in for another day. He felt like he'd just accomplished his life long goal.

The only downside to his action was how much his crush worried about the other male. Whenever he read her mind in school, he was all she'd ever think about.

But Saiki had a plan that day. He was sure he'd be the only one on Y/Ns mind then. Or at least he hoped he was.

It was like now that Kaido was gone, he had the balls to grow bold with the female.

Saiki sat right next to his crush and stared at her, quickly getting her eyes to land on his.

She stared at him with a confused look on her features, nonverbally asking the male what he wanted.

When she didn't hear anything, as expected, she finally decided to say something.

"Hey, Saiki.. what are you doing here? Don't you usually sit up there?" She asked, piping up to make herself seem interested in what Saiki had to say next.

The pink haired teens purple eyes shifted to the front of the class, then back to Y/N, "The teacher said it was fine."

"Oh, really..?" Y/N smiled, still forcing herself to feel interested.

When Saiki noticed that she wasn't in the mood, he grew upset and began to read her mind. But of course he just had to be met with the blue haired boys face.

I wish I could've done something to prevent that stupid slippery bowl from falling on him.

Pursing his lips, Saiki slowly placed his hand on the girls, trying to comfort her.

A bunch of emotions were flowing through his body, yet he still didn't feel guilty for what he'd done. He only felt bad about making the woman feel upset, of more importantly, making her feel like it was her fault.

"There wasn't anything you could've done, Y/N.." he thought to her, watching her dull eyes light up a bit.

She looked back over at the pink haired male, "W-What do you mean...?"

"Come on Y/N," Saiki scooted closer to her, his eyes still burning holes into her, "Everybody know what what happened.."

Y/N didn't say anything. She wanted to burst into tears just because of the mans words.

Saiki blushed once he realized how close he was to Y/N and he wondered how she felt, so he read her thoughts again.

Saiki's right I guess.. I should probably stop blaming myself... But I-

The boy interrupted Y/Ns thoughts, attempting to change her mind again. "Y/N, you should listen to me. It wasn't you or Nendos fault. If it's anybody's fault it's gravity's."

Y/N was somewhat glad that she finally had someone to comfort her, and she was really glad that it was Saiki. She did feel better.

Now I feel so guilty for ignoring him on purpose. He's actually really sweet, and actually pretty charming.

Eyebrows going up and purple eyes twitching in excitement, Saiki actually grinned. It was like he had another shot at trying to win over Y/N. Now it'd be easier since Kaido was actually gone.

The only problem was Teruhashi. There had to be some way he could flaunt Y/N without the blue haired females being around.

"Hey," Saiki whispered in her ear, causing her to meet his eyes once again.

"Yeah..?" She replied back in a whisper, only making Saikis smile grown even more.

He didn't say anything else to her. He just leaned his face closer to hers and tilted his head to the side, giving her a quick and soft peck on her lips.

Pulling back from the female, joy rushed through him when he saw the smile form on her lips.

The only thing left was actually asking her out. But don't worry, he had a plan for that too.

Saiki when someone is actually worried about their friends wellbeing

Saiki when someone is actually worried about their friends wellbeing

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