My last human moment..but my undead heart still flutters

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The title applies to both the male and female pov's how cool is that!!? hope you all enjoy reading! ^_^

 I was lying in a pool of own blood.With much struggle, I dragged my bloody battered body through the alley and eventually leaned against a dirty wall... as my eyes were closed I muttered a quick prayers and then finally opened my eyes to see the extent of the damage to my body.  What I saw made me want to scream, I would have, if however my throat wasn't so dry. I would have screamed if it wasn't my own body in front my eyes.... something I had difficulty wrapping my mind around right now.My body was covered in a sheet of crimson. My torn Tshirt was stuck to my body, though it was stuck to my skin like a second, in my mind I could still feel the hands of the ruthless monster which had attacked me....A monster, that was what he was...something else I found difficulty wrapping my mind around.

I remembered the moments when the monster had attacked me, how he had pierced my neck and collar bone, reflexively I touched my neck, I felt nothing. Nothing. That was how i felt. Numb.

I remembered enjoying his sudden attack at first then I couldn't fight the inevitable pulsing black cloud in the distance and I succumbed to my black haze and closed my eyes. Though I felt no particular pain, my entire neck and back felt sore, I felt no apparent wounds on my body, so then was I so bloody? As I leaned against the wall I once again opened my eyes and inspected my body. Though my skin was still tan there was a pale shade to my skin. Suddenly my throat started to burn and I heard a woman and talking to her dog, and I heard a couple walking into the nearby shop.. .... the torturing sounds drummed against my ears and images of thier blood flowing freely from their necks streamed through my mind as my throat itched for their blood...What was happening? My heart began to beat against my chest...... I let out a shriek of pain.....

As i curled into a ball I muttered prayers under my breath praying for the pain to go away, hoping this was all a dream.

 My name is Saralli Jamesly. Atleast that much I knew, though I was positive I was nothing like the Saralli before the attack. She had no thirst for blood, she was not crazy, she was in control of her emotions. I kept repeating "My name is Saralli, my name is Saralli"... I felt like I was grasping at starnds, I had to have something that remain the same to earlier that night..."My name is Saralli", I continued. This was all a dream because I, Saralli always had control of the situation. I was never overwhelmed by urges, thirst, blood and irrational emotions.............. So who was I now?


This is what I had always feared. I always knew this would happen, but I was hoping somehow I would be able to find a loophole. It turns out not even I, of royal blood, could fight the inevitable. That girl, I loathed her how could she do this?

As much as I loathed her, I still revelled in the memory when I kissed her soft lips that had tempted me the entire night. Her thrumming pulse, her blood smelling so delicious was tooo tempting though I had no intent on taking any blood, I had restrained all I could and I gave into the temptation that only she, solely only her could satisfy... When I finally gave into my thirst and allowed myself to have my forbidden fruit, she enjoyed it at first, but then I could not stop , eventually I just ran away.

Now where was I? I was going to try to get rid of myself, anything that would keep me away from her... If I truly loved her, as I do, I would let her enjoy her humanity. I loatherd her for our imprint but I loved her for knowing it was solely her, not her blood, her dark brown hair, her golden brown, deep tanned skin. Her voice that I would be able to listen from miles away. Her footsteps that were edged into my memory. Her breaths that sent my body into a pulsing animal state.

She would never know what power she held on me and my undead heart. If ever it came to be known that I had imprinted on a mere human both our lives would be at stake. She should be lucky that I had left her human, rather than make her an undead creature of the night. If she was an undead creature of the night I would be able to take her as my wife, my bride. Enjoy her company, her body, her words, what was I saying?! It made no sense to be a massochist and put myself through the 'what ifs', because I truly loved her and I would sacrifice my undead feelings for the sake of my, no THE human. Did she realise how I looked at her everytime she said my name, how it rolled off her pink inviting tongue and left her heart shaped lips.

However if my self-promise was kept and I resisted the urge to enjoy her company, though after this incident she would surely run anytime she saw me, our bond should eventually burn. After all she still was human..Right?


How could this have happened!? I looked down at myself in the moonlight, more accurately lack of light. At normal full moons the place was never this bright. I should not be able to see this sharp in the night so how was i able to see so clearly? Bit then again, nothing was normal about this night.I looked at the battered body a few feet way from me, what had I done? The man had entered the alley and was waiting. I had prayed that he would just run away from me, though he probably had not seen me, but I had seen everything about him, heard everything, his pulses ,saw his veins but he stayed, it felt like ages and then I gave into my hunger and attacked him. I had bitten his neck like an animal mauling a person and hungriy drank from him even when i felt his body go limp. I had sucked in his neck and nursed my thirst. His bloodless, lifeless body remained and I was to blame, wasn't I human after all?! What was going on? Liam was to blame, his body had called to my body and and whispers on my neck just sang to every fibre in my body. I hated him with a passion, why was this passion singing for him? What was he? Why had he attacked me? What was I now? Wasn't i simply human?? I suddenly felt a piercing sharp knife strike my neck, O god more pain? My heart fluttered at the thought of Liam, my fist clenched in thought of him also- WHAT HAD HE DONE TO ME?


I had purposely gone to other royals in the territory, knowing that our clans were at an aggitated state and they would not hesitate to kill me. But it really pained to move. My entire body pulsed for HER. James the leader of the clan swiped at my head, and i felt nyself slipping into the darkness, but then i heard a faint cry..... why was Esmerelda crying!..........


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2012 ⏰

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