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I'm Morgan. I am lots of things. So lets make a list! Crazy, fangirl, loud, and me! Also no awareness of personal bubbles but since you're only going to know me on the internet that won't be a problem for us!

  So the purpose of this journal/diary/log/thing is to help me keep track of my last summer as a carefree teen!(Also to improve my writing but, that's boring.) Also for posterity because I have the worst memory ever! 

   Hopefully this will be daily but really who knows.*Shoulder Shrug*Plus I know I have a couple weeks of camping planned for this summer... I will figure it out when I get there! (Procrastination will be the death of me) 

So on with the show I need to write today's log! 

 Today is el veinte siete de mayo 2015 or the twenty seventh of May 2015 My last day as a Junior.

 So I was planning on waking up early to cram for another two hours... Yeah I woke up at 8 thanks to my youngest sister. So I still got an hour of studying in. I only had to be at the high school at 9:40 because they are testing on a block schedule and I didn't have to be there for my first period final (weight training). 

  After a hour of cramming my mind with spanish, I decided to wake up my sister who is a freshman to join me to take our last finals of the year! Summer would start for us at 11:40. 

  For the record I was dressed! I was wearing a black skirt and a blue top covered in butterflies. I can't do much with my hair since I chopped it all off but, it suits me. 

  We made it to the High School with a few minutes to spare and split up to our finals. I headed to the second floor to take my Spanish final. 

  In the first ten minutes she took our binders to grade and books to make sure we didn't use them as Kleenex. Then we were given our test! I was the third to last person to finish but I think (I hope) I did well. 

   We still had an hour left in the period (teachers won't let us leave early because they are responsible for us :) ). My teacher was pulling out a movie when the secretary came over the intercom and told us "Teacher we are on lockdown gather all students in the classrooms. No one should be in the hallways." .

  So lights were shut off door shut and students shushed. We sat in the dark for an hour listening to each others stomachs growl, giggling, and being glared at by our teacher. To give you a bit of context none of us had our cell phones or "devices" as my teacher calls them. They were all in the back of the room where we left them before the final. 

  My teacher at a little before an hour of lockdown passed gave us our phones back. Telling us not to text unless texted by a family member and not to cause panic. 

   So I text my mom, telling her we were in lockdown and were going to be late getting home. i am a big mommy's girl but a I really enjoy all the freedom my parents give me and would like to keep it. 

After letting Mumsy know what was happening, I got on wattpad (the only app my school doesn't block on their wi-fi). I have read a lot on wattpad, I had a hard time finding any good fics. I am a major shipper, but almost reading exclusively. The first tag I searched was Jasper (Joe Sugg/Casper Lee) not my OTP but, I had never read any fics but I heard they were good. The two fics I found were not good, not good at all. The first was well written grammar wise (not that I can say anything) but it was self-harm and the author in the AN's said they hadn't any experience themselves or close friends. Which is good I suppose but seeing one of my favorite Youtubers written with the inner voice of a teenage girl was not cool. But their dialogue was good I could literally hear Casper's accent while reading.  The second one the grammar gave me a headache. 

  Alright I'm done bashing sorry I was just very disappointed. Anyone want to point me to some good Jasper Fics? 

So I settled for a good Tronnor fic (Troye Sivan/ Connor Franta). I was a little AU with Troye still in the closet but it was a sweet fluffy fic. It kept me entertained for the next hour and a half of lockdown. 

When they finally lifted lockdown I grabbed my sister and we bolted for the car! Summer finally at 1:30 ish. 

 When we got home I watched JoeSuggvlogs's new vid and started browsing the web! 

  That's my day hurrah! 

So I want to make this a Daily thing so let me know what I can to make this more fun! 

Also I have four younger sibling who all need code names! One brother three sisters!

Summer 2015Where stories live. Discover now