▪︎■ 36 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Adrin Bianchi ■▪︎

Finally I convinced her to lay back down into the bed. She had to rest at least a little.
Without having to exchange any words, I layed down and she placed her body half on top of mine and half next to me on the matress. Her head was on top of my chest, her one leg over mine while my left arm laid under her body holding her with my other hand stroking through her soft hair. By now I was clothed again and only the open buttons of my shirt still told the story of the last hour.

It reminded me of the first time we stayed inside a bed together.

"Do you remember the night I stayed at yours?" She murmured, her eyes closed.

I smiled because we seemingly shared the same thought. "I do. That night we'd only talked though. The whole night..."

Ainara huffed but I heard her smile. "Some things change, some things don't... I also remember you didn't want to kiss me back then too. Exactly like today."

The way she said it definitely left no doubt; I offended her ego.

"You know you were drunk, right? Of course I wouldn't kiss you then."

She hummed. "I do. And yet I wasn't drunk today, was I?"

I smiled playfully. "Mh, I wouldn't be so sure of that... Usually you're only that nice to me when you're wasted."

She hit my chest with her fist. "Ow," I reacted, even though it didn't really hurt me.

"I'm nice when you deserve it," she answered.

"Definitely sober..." I murmured.

"I heard that," she said and I couldn't keep my straight face anymore. Ainara lifted her head, adjusting her body to look at me for the first time since we'd layed down.

"Why didn't you kiss me today?" She asked again. "I feel like an idiot for asking, but on the other hand it's kind of justified considering the following... activities."

"I didn't want our first kiss to be an angry one while my thoughts were all about fighting. If I do it, I want to do it right." I answered truthfully. She smiled and bit her lip. Immediately she drew my attention to her lower face; her lips and her beautiful smile.

"Do you still think about fighting me?" She asked and my gaze switched back to her eyes.

"Hm... No," I answered, pretending to have to think about her question first.

"Do you still think about fucking me?" She asked her next question, playfully raising her brows.

"Oh sure, love. How couldn't I? You're the most beautiful women I've ever seen..."

She grunted. "Right, Casanova."

I frowned. "You don't believe me?"

Ainara looked at me as if I said something crazy. "Of course I don't. You're still asking? I only have to think about the first night we met... Those women were gorgeous."

I couldn't wrap my head around how a goddess like her could still be insecure. I meant every word I said and I made it my mission to make her see herself the way I did.

"There are so many beautiful women out there, but only one of them is you, Nara. Even back then I only had eyes for you. Hundreds of people, but you stood out to me from all of them."

Her eyes observed my face but even her piercing glare couldn't fulfill it's purpose. I was serious and definitely wouldn't back down now- why would I anyway? I wholeheartedly told the truth.

"Sure..." She then answered, looked down and shifted again.

She doesn't believe me still?

I cupped her face and brought my head down to her ear. "If you still don't believe me I want to apologize, because I obviously didn't do my best to proof it, but we will work on that. There's plenty of time ahead for me to worship your body and mind as they deserve to."

I put a strand of her hair behind her ear and softly placed a kiss on her cheek on my way back up to my original position.

"Can you fucking kiss me already?" She blurted out after a few seconds.

I let out a surprised chuckle when I saw her slightly tinted cheeks but grabbed her hips nevertheless after she made herself comfortable on my lap. With a quick motion she placed herself on top of me, her thighs on either side of my legs, straddling me.

I placed my hand on her jaw and neck and let my thumb caress the outlines of her lower lip. I took my sweet time to remember every little detail of her face. The curve of her nose, beauty marks, her dark lashes, the deep green of her eyes that held so much history I still wanted to study. I got consumed by her just being. Slowly I came closer and watched her breathing falter before her eyes closed. I enjoyed the effect I had on her but definitely couldn't deny she had the same impact on me.

I closed my own eyes and finally connected our lips. It was careful and fragile. As if we were both made out of glass and scared to break each other. It was soft and gentle. My chest felt warm and goosebumps were crawling down my spine while we got carried away more and more. Her tongue was the first that joined the surprisingly innocent kiss to stroke over my lips. I intentionally let her decide when and if she wanted to take it further. She should feel my pure intentions.
We opened our lips and deepened the kiss when our tounges met, exploring each other openly.

She grabbed my face to pull it closer to her own, as if we still weren't close enough to fulfill this certain feeling inside the chest. My hand joined the other on the right side of her neck, bringing her face further towards mine. Her lips were perfection, made for mine, fitting perfectly like they were the second puzzle piece to complete me. The kiss held all the emotions we felt in this exact moment while we moved in sync. There was need and passion but also a hint of something bigger, more intimate than fucking could ever be.

She sighed slightly and I enjoyed her taste as long as I could. We were both out of breath but refused to let go until we couldn't anymore, finally forced to seperate.

I needed a moment where I kept my eyes closed before I opened them, surprising myself with how carried away I really had been. When I saw her face I just knew she had done the same by the way she had to blink a few times with her hooded eyes. Our foreheads met and we still looked at each other. Her lips were red and a little swollen as she tried to get some air inside her lungs. We were both out of breath, sacrificing the essential for only a far too short moment of just us.

There was no need for air to make my heart beat- only her to keep it pounding.

There was no need for air to make my heart beat- only her to keep it pounding

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