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◇[At nevernight]◇

Wei wuxian was at the the cliff,he has no will to live anymore when the one he wanted to protect died infront of him he jumped from the cliff to meet darkness and pain but it didn't came so his eyes shot open and he saw a person in white robe now almost red with a forehead ribbon,holding his hand to prevent him to fall

"Lan zhan" wei said with a broken voice
"Wei ying" "lan zhan,let me go" he saw a single tear escape from lan zhans eyes 'why is lan zhan crying doesn't he hates me ,why is he trying to save me' "no,not let wei ying die" just then a purple robe figure came in view

"Jiang cheng" wei wuxian looked at jiang cheng and gave him a sad smile 'atleast I'm am going to die in hands of my own brother' "jiang wanyin,stop it" lan zhan said
But jiang cheng fell deaf ears "wei wu xian,GO TO HELL"
Wei ying closes his eyes to feel the pain in his chest but heard the sound of a crack

He opened his eyes and saw jiang cheng breaking the the corner of the cliff 'no if it cracked more lan zhan will also fall with me I would let him die' just then he freed his hand from lan zhan and before closing his eyes he heard a familiar sound screaming his name

'Lan zhan I love you take care of yourself and ayaun' "WEI YINGGGGG" lan zhan screamed his name which attracted the cultivator[A/N: they have no right to be called a cultivators disgusting peoples]

Lan zhan fell on his knees'wei ying I love you please come back a lone tears slide from his cheek the cultivators came"yiling laozu is dead , the evil is dead " one of the cultivator said " thank god he is gone, from now on this day will be yiling laozu's defeat and ours win,let's go celebrate this day" "yes let's go that good for nothing evil person is dead now I can sleep in peace"

"It's bad he died really easily without pain"
"I know right, I wish I tortured him for days but he's dead anyways" "SHUT UP" a cold voice came from the front which sent shiver to every person " shut up, if you say anything to wei ying I will kill you all"
"Hanguag Jun are you okey, why are you taking side of the demonic cultivator" "I think yelling laozu cursed him to take his side" "wei ying didn't cursed me" lan zhan said while clutching his fists " master lan I think so you should teach hanguang Jun a lesson"

After saying that the cultivators left the lan main family there at the cliff "wangji" " wangi didi come back wei gongzi is dead"
" no wei ying is still down there I need to go" 'didi I'm sorry for this,but he is dead how should I tell you this,this is all wei gongzi fault who told him to take demonic path now my didi is broken' " wangji behave yourself" "how can i behave shufu when the love of my life is down there all alone, I need to go there" just as he was about to go down the cliff lan qiren binded him with rope and said" he is DEAD and you broke so manu rules you should take punishment for that" and draged his nephew from there

♡[Wei wuxian POV]♡

I was about to hit the earth when I feel myself floating I opened my eyes and saw black mist coming out of me like it's holding me still to not fall and then I daw chenqing floating as well I saw it was shaking like it wanted to talk to me so I grabbed it and I heard a voice in my head "master" " master can you hear me?" I said "yes I can but who are you?" " I'm am chenqing master,your flute" "my flute?" " yes master" " why am I alive, if you are my flute flute you should've let me die why save me" " I know master you went throw alot but you shouldn't die like this" wei wuxian sighs and then he hears a familiar voice snapping at someone so he goes a bit close so he can hear properly "shut up, if you say anything to wei ying I will kill you" thus shocked wei wuxian ' lan is standing up for me, do t do this lan zhan what about your clan and brother you'll put yourself in trouble"

He heard the cultivator say "master lan I think so you should teach hanguang Jun a lesson" this made me angry and wanted eo punch that guy on the face but chenqing stopped me" master it's not a good time"
I sighed and then what I heard shocked me to the core but also I felt happy ' lan zhan you love me' tears threaten to fall from my eyes but then I saw the lan dragging lan zha from there I followed them I wanted to save him but after when there is noone except the lans

Then when the lans dragged him to the discipline ground I heared them day that he will be whipped 33 time just to protect it made me angry just as they were about to hit the whip on lan zhans back wei caught it and screamed " HOW DARE YOU!!"and many gasped

○[Unknown POV]○

Lan zhan came back from his sad transe and saw wei wuxian standing behind him holding the discipline whip he taught he was dreaming but when wei ying made him stand up he realised it was not a dream he hugged wei wuxian tightly and started crying and said " I thought you left me" wei wuxiann was surprised but recovered in a second and reprocated the hug with same force " shhh, lan zhan its alright I'm here now noone will hurt you, ever again" lan zhan sniff wei wuxians scent and calmed down

The discipline with the elders and lan xichen where shocked to see this side of lan zhan also to see wei wuxian alive also so soft towards lan zhan "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO HURT MY LOVE!! " wei ying said with a cold and stern voice which sent shivers to the people present there lan zhan pulled from the hug and wei ying pulled him behind him his soft face turned cold and scary a elder said" YOU!" Another one said "yelling laozu is alive" " of course I'm alive yoyr seeing a ghost or what,

You treated your brother badly sect laeder lan he needed you in hard times and you are just standing there doing nothing"

"Let go lan zhan" before lan xichen could say anything they disappeared in thin air.

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