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It was the early hours of the day, which one could tell by the sunshine peeking through the windows and the birds chirping a tune.

Usually, Marcy liked to sleep in whenever she could, but today was different, and she was actually really eager to awaken. As she sprung out of her bed, and hurriedly started the day, she couldn't help but think of the reason she was so happy.

Anne Boonchuy.

Her best and oldest friend, who also so happened to be the girl who had taken up her mind with romantic scenarios, was the reason she was in such a chipper mood.

You may ask exactly why, and it was simple, after years of silent pining, Marcy was finally ready to confess her feelings towards the girl, and whatever happened, happened.

Whether Anne reacted positively or negatively, Marcy would accept the answer, because at least then she'd have closure instead of just picturing 'what if' scenarios.

As Marcy walked over to her closet, she consciously searched for her best outfit, something that'd make her look prettier, hoping that that'd help her chances with Anne.

She settled for some baggy sweatpants, and a green shirt, maybe it wasn't her best clothes, but she figured she should be comfortable.

Once she was done with getting ready, she shot herself one last glance in her bathroom mirror before heading out.

When she finally stood in front of the main door and was ready to finally leave the house, she took a deep breath and reached for the knob, but before she could turn it, she heard a cleared throat, which immediately made her jolt.

She spun around, and when she noticed the thick rectangular glasses resting on the persons nose, she realized her dad was the one to catch her trying to leave, whether or not that was a good thing was yet to be found out.

Silence filled the air for a second, the unsettled kind, Marcy knew her dad was probably confused on why she was even trying to sneak out, but would he be mad about it?

Finally, he spoke.

"Where are you going?" His tone didn't seem angry, necessarily, but it wasn't confused either.

Marcy hesitated, "Um.... A friend's house."

It wasn't a lie.

Her father raised an eyebrow, and stayed quiet for a second, leaving Marcy nervous for his reaction.

What if he somehow knew she was gonna ask Anne out?

She didn't know why she was worried about that, it wasn't like it was a secret that she liked girls, her parents knew about it but never truly commented on it. So, maybe she was nervous because she didn't know what their stance on it was?

"Well, alright, you can head over to your friends house in a bit! But your mother and I have something to tell you before you do, so you'll have to wait a bit, okay?"

Marcy's shoulders slightly slumped at that, she was really looking forward to getting to Anne's as soon as possible, but she supposed she could wait a little longer.

"How long will I have to wait?" She asked.

Her father hummed and scratched his chin before saying, "Until your mother wakes up..."

"Wait, what? Who knows how long that'll be!" She exclaimed, it would seem like torture waiting who knows how long before getting the chance to ask Anne out.

Before Mr. Wu could open his mouth, his wife had appeared behind him, and spoke up.

"Well, you wont be waiting long, Marcy. And even if you did, what's the rush? You're just gonna go gossip with your friend, and that can wait."

Mr. Wu smiled at his wife, who only stared at Marcy with a slightly suspicious look on her face.

"We're not gonna goss— okay whatever," Marcy muttered to herself.

Mrs. Wu ignored Marcy's comment, and glanced at her husband instead.

"I'm sure your father has already told you we had some important news to share with you, correct?"

Marcy nodded, and her mother continued.

"Good, because we do have some wonderful news, it's life-changing for the family! Especially you!"

Marcy's brows slightly furrowed at her mothers word choice as she processed the words in her head, before her eyes widened as she came to a conclusion.

"Wait.... Are you pregnant?!"

Her mother sent her an annoyed expression before letting out a small sigh, "No, I'm not pregnant!"

"Oh... sorry..."

Mrs. Wu only brushed it off and continued what she was gonna say before she got interrupted.

"Anyways, you know the Waybright's, right?"

"Yeah... Sasha's my friend so of course I do...." She said, but was still unsure on where this was going.

"Well, then I'm sure you know how they're very powerful people, as are we, and Mr. & Mrs. Waybright have a daughter your age, that you're friends with,"

Marcy still didn't understand, her mother was just stating the obvious at this point and she really didn't have any time for this.


"We want you to date Sasha Waybright." Mrs. Wu finally said what she had been dragging on.

Marcy wasn't sure she heard right, as she blinked repeatedly.

"You want me to do what?!"

To be continued...


[a/n] I bet this was super sloppy but what's new?

this is gonna so interesting to write though— and hopefully equally as interesting to read.

you'll see more of the songfic in the first actual chapter? hopefully.

this is definitely not my best written work, but it'll get better, okay??

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