March 3

7 1 0

My mom got me this notebook for my birthday, she also threw a big party. I wanted my 15th birthday to be big and special, my excuse I told my mom was because it being big on your 16th was boring and basic but really I don't think I will make it till my 16th birthday, but she doesn't need to know that. All my friends came and even though the whole thing was about me, I felt ignored. My mom made me a cake, carrot cake to be exact. I don't like carrot cake, but she claimed that it's healthier and will help lose my baby fat. I couldn't eat it. If I ate it then I would want another piece and no matter how small that piece would be , she would pull me over and tell me she could see the extra pound I was putting on. So I didn't eat it. My friends all told me that this is why I am a stick and my mom just beamed as if she was happy she gave birth to a stick. I'm the only child so I guess she didn't want a fat only child because she only had me to brag about. She wanted me to be a boy. To name be Brayden and have me be the captain of the football team. Well that definitely didn't happen. The party kinda sucked, it was loud, boring and long. It felt like it never ended and it being at my house means I couldn't leave. I can't tell you a single thing we did other then sit around and talk. And most of the time I wasn't in the conversation. My friends either talked to my mom or whispered, judge my every move. I don't really like my friends. They are either jealous or judging something. They're all pretty and blonde, with straight A's and blue eyes, with perfect body's, and outfits that put Victoria Secret to shame.

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