No rest for the weary.

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Darkness, it's been my companion for.. well, who knows how long at this point. But I'm stirring from my self imposed slumber, there is unrest in Japan once again. I wonder how long it's been since I last rose to arms? Upon opening my eyes, I'm met with my spirit guardian, Shirohami. Formerly the guardian of my father, Dosan, it looks to me, knowing if I am awake, it is time once again to set out. Upon joining with me, I stretch, and gather my gear, a shoguns battle wear and my blessed odachi. The small shrine I set for myself lies near the peak of Mt Kumotori, and considering the chill, it's winter.

After spending a couple minutes clearing some rubble from the entrance, I stepped outside to clear skies and white for as long as I could see. With no clear path to follow, I simply let fate decide, and begin my trek. The forest is peaceful, but who knows how long that could last, I awoke for a reason. After 30 minutes, I see tracks in the snow, judging them, they appear to be male, in teens if I had to wager. Im biologically 18 myself, but in reality much older, but who's counting? Following the prints, they lead to what would be a quaint home, if not for the horror at the open door. A family was attacked here, but it appears to have happened long before the prints I tracked arrived. Poor sap, upon examining the bodies, it's clear no human did this. Yokai. Guy could be in trouble. Finding his other prints at a faster pace, I race to find him before something else does. These tracks are very fresh, maybe 10 minutes ago, but with no new snowfall, I could be very wrong, but as luck would have it, I hear shouts of struggle in a small clearing ahead of me. What I assume to be the boy I was tracking is protecting a girl of the same age, perhaps a sibling who survived the attack on the home. Their assailant appears human but its hard to tell, upon reaching the tree-line, things get more confusing. The girl he's standing beside is very clearly at a first glance a yokai, but she doesn't have horns, the assailant appears to be a samurai. They're in a stare-down, and were conversing, but seem to have gone quiet, before all heads shoot in my direction.

Both boys: "Who's there!?/Your scent is unmistakable!"

They seem to side eye each other for a moment, shocked at finding me at the same time. Oh well, stealth isn't my forte. Stepping into their sight, the boy I tracked seems almost amazed, the other though, seems.. wary.

Hide: "Would the lot of you mind explaining what exactly is goin on here?"

The girl seems to do naught but growl, and is currently restrained, the samurai goes into thought, the boy on the other hand is quick to respond.

Boy: "I'm Tanjiro Kamado, and.. this may be hard to believe sir, but this man attacked my sister and I'm trying to defend her, he claims she's a demon, I believe him, but I can't lose Nezuko, she's.. the only family I have left."

Samurai: "That is correct, we were discussing things, as you can see he's rather adamant. I'm with the demon slayer corps... and something about you doesn't sit right with me. That's rather out of date armor you're wearing, and an unorthodox choice of weapon."

He's suspicious, good, if he is what he claims.

Hide: "I mean neither of you harm, yet. Tanjiro, you claim this girl is a some kind of Oni, or Yokai, but I see no horns, nor is she emitting spiritual influence. Are you certain?"

Both Tanjiro stares at me confused, the other, looks at me with what I think is disbelief.

Samurai: "Tch, going off of old fairy-tales are you? Look, she's clearly a demon and posses a threat. But if Kamado is committed to restoring his sisters humanity. I won't stand in his way, but rather warn him of the consequences should she harm someone, or he should fail."

A demon hunter, and he knows not the signs of Yokai? Hm. Doesn't add up.

Hide: "Hm, I believe you'll find no better expert than me."

Samurai: "And what makes you say that?"

His eyes narrow to a glare. Tanjiro is more observant than he seems, clearly seeing the building tension. I simply smile at the man and bring my mask down. If looks could kill, the swordsman would have made a valiant attempt.

Hide: "Well, I see no reason not to tell you, and I could very well assist your sister Tanjiro, but.. fair warning swordsman, attack me, and I will defend myself."

His jaw clenches and his sword grip tightens, Tanjiro seems skeptical, but hopeful. I shut my eyes for a moment, its been some time since Ive shown my horns, they are simple, just two symmetrical, golden horns. Both gasp as they appear and I look back at them, my eyes shining red as they appear, they can tell Im not exactly, human, but the girl on the other hand, goes immediately silent, and stares directly at me, both also notice her reaction.

Swordsman: "Explain yourself now!"

He shouts demandingly, I look at him.

Hide: "As I'm sure you've noticed, Im not exactly human, but nor am I like her. I'm half yokai, what they call, a changeling."

They both look in disbelief, it would seems the human and spirit realms have changed.

Samurai: "There.. were tales of the old times, about Yokai, Oni, spirits, and things in between, but.. they were never proven. And the last accounts are as far back as the Sengoku period. Who. Are. You?"

Hide: "My name, is Hide. Friends.. who are long passed, called me Hiddy."

I grab my spirit blade and show them the Kanji for added weight. Their jaws hang open.

Tanjiro: "But.. you're a myth! Even as half demon or whatever, Im sure your life would be longer than most, but you couldn't be immortal, right?

He looks to the swordsman, he nods.

Samurai: "You would be correct that's bordering on 500 years, but.. those horns, that blade. None of the hasira, nor our leader have ever spoken or seen such things. We have no choice but to believe him, as much as I hate to admit it." He sheathes his blade "I would ask you to aid Tanjiro, as you said you would, seeing as you are half human, I cannot make the call to slay you alone. I will return to the other hashira, and we will hold council for your, and Nezuko's fate. Aid Tanjiro faithfully, and it may just come out in your favor."

He holds his stare, Tanjiro repeatedly looks between us, before sighing.

Tanjiro: "You.. said you could help Nezuko, right?"

I nod. Im usually much more silent than this. Guess Im feeling chatty after a nearly 500 year nap. I approach slowly with my hands empty palms facing him, he makes no move to stop me, but eyes me very closely, holding his axe close. I kneels next to the girl who now, looks nearly human, but the idea of a frightened animal runs through my head, I push it aside. She's.. like me in a way I suppose. I speak as calmly and as reassuring as I can.

Hide: "I won't hurt you, samurais honor, I have a.. 'friend' who can help you contain that power, but you may be asleep for awhile. Is that okay?"

She tries to speak, but can muster no more than some grunts and huffs. She sighs saddened or frustrated, and simply nods, looking down, ashamed. She must have been feeding on her families remains after she was turned. If the blood specks on her face are anything to go by. I let Shirohami out, both Tanjiro and the samurai tense, but lax after he does nothing. I gesture to the girl and the spirit, gently presses his forehead to hers. Her eyes slowly droop, before they shut, she mouths a "thank you". The stranger, introducing himself as the water hashira, Giyu Tomioka, suggested finding a man named Urokodaki, and to be moving only by night, as the sun would reduce Nezuko to ash. He then left, to find this hashira council no doubt. They have an honorable mission, so I pray all goes well, as I'd be loathe to kill what could have been allies. We travelled as far as we dared risk before the overcast skies parted, thankfully finding a small cave, Nezuko coming to shortly after, seemingly free of any bloodlust. I bid them rest now to travel at full strength at dusk, as it was barely noon. Tanjiro agreed and got as comfortable as he could in the cave, as I took a place near the mouth to keep watch. Nezuko looked upon him for a minute, before giving her brother a gentle pet on the head, and quietly joined my side, looking out into the snow blanketed forest.

Shinzoku o kurau akuma (The demon who feasts on kin)Where stories live. Discover now