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The people in the town hates Nene and she is always clueless to it . Everyday she tries to act oblivious towards the harsh treatments coming from everyone and at the end of the day , she'll weep and cry herself to sleep on her bed but only to wake up the next day and do the same thing everyday . Little Nene was born to be extra special . Her parents , the Yashiro couple , were witches , therefore Nene was naturally born to be a witch .

But the people in the town despises witches . Just like in every other villages or towns , burning witches is a tradition to keep the area of residential safe and sound . Younger Nene understood why they did that , but up until now , she doesn't understand on why the people tied her parents up and then burn them alive while laughing hysterically at their screams and wails of pain and Nene was there , watching her parents getting burned alive . Despite from being witches , her parents secretly helped the people to build tools , grow plants and made their life easier by using their spells . Hell , they even went all out on protecting the town from supernaturals but they paid them back by killing them .

6 year old Nene wished that she was tied up to her parents and be burned alive with them . As a child , all she could think and reminisce about was her parents , how she loved and missed them . But even so , Nene does not hold a grudge against the people that keeps making wrong things to her . She doesn't know why , she doesn't know how . She has a kind heart , she has the right to be mad at them but she just can't . She wonders what's wrong with her .

Today is her parents' death anniversary . Nene wakes up early to prepare herself . She has a plan tonight to celebrate the day and to remember their deaths . Stepping on the wooden floor , Nene shudders . Cold . "Ugh" . She says before trying to adjust her bed hair . All while taking her time to doll herself up before she leaves , Nene tries to think of her dinner . What she'll make tonight . Will once-skinny cat comes to eat dinner with her tonight ? Swallowing her water down , she chokes when she heard something breaking . Carefully , she looks around . She sees one of the window and it's broken .

Did a bird fly straight towards the window ? That might be it . Her relief is washed away by the comforting thought . Wearing her boots and pulling down her hat to her head , she steps outside before locking the door to make sure it's safety . She'd left a note of the way on how to make a pie on the table earlier . Once she gets home , she'll do her other activities and when the sun settles down , she'll start preparing dinner .

The pathway is muddy , thankfully the rocks are there to prevent her boots from sinking down . Oh how she loved the tall trees here . She used to hide there to run away from the town people and when she was much younger , her parents made her play hide and seek with them . But that was in the past , there is no use on dwelling such things . Or so Nene thought . Upon reaching the gate that divides the area between her house and the town , she goes pass through it and suddenly , something feels ... not quite right . Nene stops her track as she just stand there . The weather is rather chilly today isn't it ? Nene is a big fan of that . But surely her plants aren't going to grow nicely without the sun .

"What ... ?" . From a not-so-far distance , she sees the market . The usual stalls and shops are there but no people can be seen . Of course it's weird . This is a town and there is no one day where people couldn't be seen . There is always people , always , but Nene guesses that today is just different . Did they leave ? No way . Did they . . . died by a supernatural attack ? No way too , there are no traces of blood . As she approaches the market , she walks towards the fruit stalls and then put some apples into her bag . No , she's not stealing the apples . She too has decency . Nene places the right amount of silver coins inside of the pouch on the stall just incase if the guy who's selling the fruits comes back .

Nene buys the ingredients slowly and carefully all while placing silver coins . She doesn't want to steal anything after all . Every steps she takes , concern grows in her chest . It's rather overwhelming and her heart is beating faster than usual . All while looking calmly outside , she's panicking inside , and all she can think about is the town people . Surely there must've been an accident , a supernatural might have passed the gate and went on a massacre , killing everybody including the elderly people and the children . Still , there is no blood and she can see the gate from a far , it's closed and nonetheless , everything looks normal but feels peculiar . "Whoops" . Nene says when she accidentally drops down a bag of flour .

"This is enough , I think" . Nene's words ends with a sigh . Not trying to think much about the people , she convinces herself that they went out to search for more essentials and they'll be back later . Then if not , then it'll also be fine . After all , Nene has gotten tired of their treatments .

As she tries to walk away , she can feel a small rock hitting the back of her head . Not enough to make her feel pain , but enough to make her turn around . Her eyes spots the town people , gathered in a large group while holding spears and torches . She thinks to herself , 'What on Earth is going on?' . She musters out a 'huh?' before the chief of the town comes foward with a furious expression .

"We've gotten tired of having a witch residing in our town!" .

Nene's heart skips a bit by the words and everything is starting to makes sense .

"The kids are afraid of going out because of you! The elderly people might get a heart attack by seeing you walking freely , witch !" .

What did she ever do to them . All she's been doing is trying to live the best of her life . Her hands are shaking , the rejection and ridiculously evil tortures the people had given her is starting to bloom back on her skin and in her heart . What did she even do wrong ? She never talked to anyone , and yet they hates her . So much . So much to the point where the kids are starting to throw rocks at her as she automatically runs away from them . To where ? She doesn't know , but she knows that coming back to her house is a terrible idea and so as well going out to the forest that is full of dangerous supernaturals yet all her eyes are seeing is the exit gate .

She sees a broom on a food stall and she grabs it while murmuring a spell . She will be setting her foot outside of the town for the first time again in ten years . She knows her spell isn't strong enough to make her broom fly faster or longer , but atleast it can help her reach the exit gate faster and then fly into the forest . To where ? She doesn't even know . Maybe towards her death . As she exits the gate , the people stops running after her , afraid of going out beyond the place . The chief huffs . "Let her , she'll die anyway . The supernaturals are far more stronger and violent than they were a long time ago" . He says , marking his words with a violent stab to the ground using the sharp head of the spear .

When the nighttime comes , the people makes sure that Nene isn't back and the house empty . On the same night , they're having a feast , to celebrate the 'execution' of the witch . Inside of a wooden restaurant , the people there eats according to their appetite and keep laughing all night long . In there , it's warm and full of joy . In the outside , it's cold and harsh . But it's not as harsh as the town people , Nene thinks . She's sitting on the side of a river , thinking about nothing , her mind blank . Of course eventually they would chase her outside of the town . She could've had prepared earlier for it but their ambush was unexpected for her . The fire that she'd lighted up earlier is her only source of heat and all she had eaten is an apple .

Maybe she'll die out of starvation here , maybe a supernatural will come and attack her , maybe she'll be killed by her own hands if she doesn't want to go through pain and suffering by being eaten alive by a beast . Nene doesn't have much choice , maybe she'll just fall asleep right here and then hope that she'll never wake up again . Wrapping her blue hood around her body , she tries to fall asleep , hoping that a blood-sucking supernatural will come to her and take her blood until she's no longer alive . At that moment , Nene wants to die . If she died here , no one will remember or think about her . Maybe her parents are waiting at the pearly gates , maybe she'll become an earth-bound supernatural .

There are so many maybes in her head . She definitely does not want to be alive anymore , yet deep in her head , she still wants to be saved . As the night consumes her , she tries her best to sleep and to ignore the sounds of someone stepping on the grass and the dead leaves .

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