Chapter One

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Lana's P.O.V.

The questions are still raging through my mind as I make my way up to the Kent's home. " Why did he have to die? Where did his body go?" the moment we are finally happy where we look forward to tomorrow and he is snatched away from me in a blink of an eye. I try to clear my mind as most as possible as I make my way to the Kent's door. "Mr. and Mrs. Kent?" I call out hoping that I can help comfort them. I might have lost my best friend and recent lover but the Kent's had lost their son. I look around the doorway thinking if I should walk into the dining room but as I look up I cannot believe what I am seeing. Clark Kent is standing in the kitchen entrance. He looks as if he walked through hell and back and for a second I think I am dreaming, even if I was, he was here and it's all that mattered right now. "Clark" I call out before I begin running to him as I get closer I can feel it in my very soul that this is indeed real. Clark is very much alive and is right in front me. I close the distance between us and I jump up into his arms. He smells as if he has been burnt to a crisp but I could care less, Clark is here and I am going to make sure that it stays that way. Tears fill both our eyes as I pull back to touch and look at his handsome face. With teary smiles we begin our embrace once more as he spins me around. " What happened where, did you go?" I begin to ask him nervous that he will be hesitant to answer. 

Clark's P.O.V.

I begin to put Lana down and in that moment I realize and decide that enough was enough I have wanted a future with Lana for as long as I could remember and obviously me being human for even just a few days was not going change the fact that danger seems to find me wherever I go. So why should I have to face it alone? Sure I have my parents and I will forever be grateful for that but I think it's time that I let Lana in on what or who Clark Kent really is. I take her by the hand and begin to walk her with me to the barn. " Where are we going Clark?" "To answer your questions I need you to put some blind faith in me. Can you do that Lana?" She looks at me and for a second I think she is going to say no, but to my relief she bites her lip and nods her head. We continue to walk to the barn and up to my fortress. I think back to myself all of the memories Lana and I had shared up here most of them being good. I sit her down on one of the couches as the butterflies begin to flutter and fly all around my stomach. Lana must have seen how nervous I am feeling and grabs my hand "Clark it's going to be okay, sit next to me." I listen and sink down into the couch cushion. Not letting go of her hand I look into those beautiful eyes that have enchanted me from the moment we met all those years ago. 

"Lana I told you a couple weeks ago at the hospital no more secrets and no more lies. There's something I need to tell you and it will probably answer your questions that you asked today and probably so many other questions you have had as well. Please let me tell you fully before you form any opinions . I want you to know everything and if then you no longer wish to be with me I will fully understand." Once again she bites her bottom lip and nods, I can tell by the way she is looking at me that she is nervous but is also excited to hear what I have to say. I take in a deep breathe and pray that the outcome of all of this is positive. " Lana I am not from around here, I know what you're thinking of course Clark you're adopted, while I am adopted that is not what I am referring to. There's no easy way of saying this so I am just going to go ahead and say it. I come from a Planet that was once known as Krypton. The planet was dying so in an effort to save my life my parents sent me on a rocket to a place where they knew I would be safe, turns out that place was here Smallville. I arrived in the first meteor shower and I want to apologize to you Lana while I was unaware of it at the time and I would not have been able to do anything about it either I can't help but feel responsible for the death of your parents. Apart from coming from another planet, this atmospheres yellow sun apparently enhances my body and I am given abilities, which is why I have been able to survive so much and well it pretty much explains everything about me which is classified by many as weird." I continued to explain the events of the past 4 years with Lana and then began to explain what has happened in the past month.

 "When the second meteor shower hit I was told to return to my biological father in the Ice Fortress by sun down if I didn't, there would be consequences. I chose to go find you in the hospital instead, the consequence was I lost my powers, and for these past few weeks I was happy it meant that I can finally be normal because at the end Lana that is all I have ever wanted to be is normal. I didn't ask for these gifts and I did not ask to be tasked to save the world. I wanted to just be Clark Kent farm boy in love with the girl next door Lana Lang. So today I did die, but Jor-El brought me back giving me all my powers and told me that my destiny was too important to risk dying already. But I do not want to carry out my life the same way anymore I don't want to keep you away from who I am really am anymore because if I want to build a future and a life with you Lana which I do then I don't want there to be anymore secrets between us." I ended my rant with a sigh and I look deep into Lana eyes hoping that she would still accept and love me.

Lana's P.O.V.

I am sitting here and listening to everything Clark is saying I cannot believe what I am hearing. He has had so many hardships and trails in his short life and he is still willing to give his everything in order to help someone in need including myself. I can't even keep up with all the times I would have died or been badly injured had it not been for Clark. I am more than overjoyed that he finally has the trust and confidence in me to tell me everything and after hearing it all I understand why he has kept to himself for all of this time. It couldn't have been easy and had I been in his shoes I would have definitely been hesitant to tell another person, it could affect not only his life but the life of those around him... like me. It is finally clicks for me that's why Clark didn't want to tell me, knowing his secret puts me at risk as well. I am willing to take it though if that what it means to be with Clark Kent then so be it. I look into his eyes as he waits for my answer. I put a smile on my face hoping to calm his nerves and I begin to speak "Clark, I could never blame you for their deaths it's like you said you didn't know what was going on and you were a child how would have been able to do anything. I want to thank you for everything Clark knowing your secret now I finally know who to thank for all the times my life has been saved the past 4 years of my life. I also want to thank you for trusting me with your secret Clark and I want to promise you that I will keep it I promise you on my life. Your secret does not change how I feel Clark Kent I love you and as you put it I too want to build a life and future with you." As I finished I can see a watery smile spread across Clark's face and before I knew it he was closing the gap between us placing his lips on mine in a passionate kiss.

There's chapter one I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know some ideas if you have any. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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