Chapter 1

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Farah: You've finally arrived Captain, I hope the way here didn't cause you too much trouble.

She said as she firmly shook the captain's hand.

Price: Don't worry about us, everything went smoothly, your people are very welcoming.

Farah: Well, it's not every day that Special Forces come by to help us in our war.

Price: Talking about war, how is it going lately?

Farah: Not good at all, we've been losing a lot of ground. Follow me, I'll show you a map. That'll explain what's going on.

She led him and his men to a room with a huge map of Urzikstan on the table.

Farah: The green area is controlled by us, the dark red area is controlled by Hassan, while the light red area is under Russia's control.

Price: Hm...I'm not gonna lie, it looks bad.

Farah: I know, this is why we need all the help we can get.

Price: We can still work with that, it's just gonna take a while to push them back, but it's possible.

Farah: I hope you brought a lot of men.

Price: Can't say that I brought a lot, but I brought the best.

Farah: How many did you bring with you?

Price: I got a company consisting of 200 soldiers and two squads.

Farah: 200 sounds good, but what about the two squads? Are they not part of the company?

Price: Oh no, quite the opposite.

Farah: What do you mean by that? Do they hate each other?

Price: Hate? No, it's not that bad. It's just the soldiers of the two squads have a little rivalry going on between them.

Farah: Okay, will that have an impact on our operation?

Price: Not at all, they know how important all of this is.

Farah: What's so special about these two squads?

Price: They're our best, they've never lost a firefight up to now.

Farah: That does sound impressive, but you have to remember, we're not your country, we don't have fire superiority and air support.

Price: Now you do.

Farah: I don't understand...

Price: You really think we came here without our heavy toys?

Farah: How did you got them over the border?

Price: We have our ways.

Farah: That surely makes things a lot easier, I see you're taking this serious.

Price: We all do.

Farah: Now, tell me about these two squads if you don't mind.

Price: The first squad is called the Operators, they're very well organised, always planning ahead and very professional.

Farah: Sounds promising.

Price: The other squad is a bit...different. They don't have a name, but we call them the Pack.

Farah: The Pack? Why?

Price: Their codenames consist of various animals and they don't like to communicate a lot with people outside of the squad.

Farah: Not even with you?

Price: Only their leader.

Farah: Are you sure it's a good idea to let them fight? They seem very disorganised.

Enduring Freedom | Farah Karim x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now