OOS (Out Of Story) Introduction

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Welcome to my first story.

I know this is weird since no story should really start like this, but this is important.

I just want to thank those who are reading this story and my potential future works.

And now, the main point of this page.

Basically, this story is going to have a lot of references to games - and the roleplay OC's/characters of my friends, who include the following:
(Note: Bracket usernames are Wattpad names/handles. N/A means I do not know their handle, or are unsure if they have one.)

Hammer (Mr_HammerExe)
Astral (GodofWar412)
Skelly (N/A)
Kelsey (FireyQueenOfFlames)

And now,
Onto the story. See you on the other side.

Oh, before you go: this story is 'split' up in 3 things: Sections, Parts, and Chapters.

Sections - The same as a chapter (from a regular book). Long, and consists of a lot of parts.
Parts - Contains the chapters together. Parts usually focus around one area until it changes.
Chapters - Information, and the story. The usual thing you will all see and read.

So, if you ever get confused - come back to here. Now, actually onto the story.

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