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Everyone was busy but happy because today was the day everyone was waiting for.
Guests arrived for function but Yibo was eagerly waiting for Zhan. And finally Zhan arrived but he was not talking to Yibo even not sparing a glance to him.

Soon Yibo's parents were there and Engagement happened. Yibo and Yanli were happy for their mom...Xiren was happy for both of them specially for her brother who was in love with the person for many years now finally getting her.

After having lunch guests left from venue but Zhan and his family was still there... Ziyi went near Mr and Mrs Wang..

Congratulations to both of you for your engagement....

Thank you...
Both of them politely replied but Ziyi being Ziyi....

It's good to that both of you got engaged but it's a pity that Zhan and Yibo directly got married....I mean this is your second time....

Ziyi....stop it...

Zhan went near them he saw that Mrs Wang was not comfortable with Ziyi's words so he dragged to Cheng....

Cheng...keep your wife in control....and make sure to keep her away from Yibo and his family...

Zhan went near to Mr Wang and apologized for Ziyi's behaviour...
They both just left from there to their house because somewhat they were disappointed in Zhan.
Zhan saw Yibo who was also not in a good mood so at first he suggested to Yubin to drop the family at Xiao Mansion because he was thinking something so he just send Yubin and family at home...

Yibo was feeling sad so he went to his room...Ziyi's words were echoing in his mind...Again his past incidents with Zhan replayed in his mind.

A knock on door brought him back from his thoughts...when he opened the door....there was Zhan at the door...but Yibo's words died in his throat his eyes were full of tears. Zhan didn't think twice and hugged Yibo.
Something was surely wrong with Zhan(author is not saying this😬 Zhan is the one who is thinking that way)

Why can't I see him crying...what's wrong with me...Zhan you need strong wine...

Zhan was in dilemma when Yibo calmly whispered his name...

Zhan ge...are you alright...

Yeah...DD...I'm fine...that day what exactly happened was not my accident...actually a little girl was unconscious on road when I asked people they told me that was the case of hit and run so no one was helping her so I sent her to hospital...and I think in hurry I dropped my mobile somewhere.
But why were you there and how...I mean...

Someone called me from your mobile and informed me that owner of mobile got into accident...so I went there...

Were you worried for me?




Let's get married...


Yibo was shocked with Zhan's words...

I said...let's get married...properly...
I mean engagement and then wedding...

B..but are you sure? I mean we don't have to do this....

Dd...we have to....I want to do all this to make you remember that special day and ofcourse I want you to remember me...

Yibo was confused but a warmth touched his heart with every word of Zhan. He was just listening him...


Thanks for waiting and reading the story....
From now on I'll update regularly...😊

Hate in Heart ❤️‍🔥 YIZHAN Where stories live. Discover now