~ panic attack

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earlier that afternoon...

Y/N's POV: messaging 'jude 💗'

jude 💗| hey baby 💖💖

y/n ✨ | hey jude

jude 💗| excuse me!

y/n ✨ | HEY MY LOVE!! 💝💖💗💓🥵💘🥰😍😍😍😍

jude 💗| thank you 🤭

y/n ✨ | 🙄

jude 💗| I miss you baby

jude 💗| when are you coming home?

y/n ✨ | I'm already on my way, be there in like 5 mins

jude 💗| i'll be waiting xx

at jude's house...

"Hey baby, I'm home!" I yelled, but my bag on the kitchen island. I walked a couple steps forward then I felt hands snake around my waist. I hugged him back.

"How did you come up behind me?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"I was behind the door." oh. That makes more sense.

"How was work" he asked. I replied with everything was fine and had a wild day today.

"I had to watch a couple break up today." Jude turned around and told me to continue, he seemed to be very interested. "She had lost feelings for him."

Jude widened his eyes. "Oh" his faced changed from an interested face to a sad face. I walked to him with, hugging him, placing me cheek on his broad chest.

"It's ok baby, I would never loose feelings for you. Ok? I love you too much for that." I reassured him.

He still looked uneasy. I grabbed his face and kissed every inch of it, except for his lips. He looked at me confused. "You missed a spot." He smirked. I gave him a long kiss. Then I left.

in my car...

I got a call from Jude a while ago. It sounded urgent. He was breathing really heavily and he told me that I need to come home NOW!

I cried in the car, only imagining the worst. I was practically speeding.

I jingled my keys anxiously in the keyhole. I was so anxious, my hands were shaking and the key couldn't go in properly.

When I managed to open the door, I found my baby cradled up rocking back and forth on the bed.

me: jude what happened?

him: I don't know. I was getting lost in thoughts and then I just panicked and couldn't breath.

me: can you breathe very deeply for me baby.

I said lifting my hands up and down my chest, signing a breath. Jude followed the breathing and eventually calmed down.

I was curious about what he as thinking about so I asked "baby, what made you so anxious?..."

He looked at me with sad puppy eyes. "It was what you said earlier" he said embarrassed, scratching the back of his neck

I was still confused, I said A LOT of things earlier so I don't know what he was talking about.

"About the couple you watched break up today." he said, looking away. He was blushing.

"Baby you know I would never-" I was cut off, but he was explaining himself.

"I know baby, I trust you with all my life and I promise I would never do anything to hurt you. But I was thinking about all the times we fought and when it might go to far." He finally let out.

I extended my arms out and hugged him. He laid down and I crawled onto him, wrapping his hands down my back as I laid on his chest.

"I'm sorry love, that was so embarrassing." He says, running his fingers through my hair (impossible because I have 4c hair.)

"No, it's ok baby, I get it. You were scared, I was scared too. But I knew that you loved me and I loved you way more." I said, reassuring him.

"Thanks baby." He said falling asleep.

"No problem. I love you always and forever Jude Bellingham"

"Love you way more, y/n y/ln" He said kissing your forehead.

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