Our First Encounter

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A man simply known as "Jacket" would have spent his life in Miami after the war that happened. He'd still be haunted by all the suicide missions and the death of his once close friend. Shortly after he began getting strange phone calls by the foundation 50 blessings, forcing him to kill Russians.

Jacket never really wanted to do it, but he still wanted revenge for the death of his friend and girlfriend. It was one of the worst times of his life, constant headache's, sickness, hallucinations and the..people, the masked people who he only saw in his head, they'd tell him weird thing's, one seemed welcoming, one was harsh but the other was.. Different.

Over the year's he was seeing them less and less, but then on one of his "missions" he'd suddenly get interrupted and get demanded to kill some "prank caller" he wasn't sure what they meant but he accepted it. Once coming into the computer room he saw a man, light pink jacket, and a blue helmet messing with the computer, once seeing each other it was silent until, the man yelled: "So, I guess I'm not the only one getting those damn phone calls."

Jacket was confused, but he stepped closer but the strange man yelled in a harsh tone:
"Don't you even fucking think about coming closer! Try it and you're dead meat!" he pointed his clever at him, ready to charge.
Jacket put down his knife, making sure he wasn't a threat he only wanted to know more about the phone calls.
Jacket didn't speak however, he could but he always chose not to, so it made the situation a bit weirder.

The man took off his helmet, revealing his face, his cyan hair covering one of his eyes with a pink headband over his head, matching the jacket he had, he had a choleric-like expression but he also decided to put his weapon down, he then spoke up: "alright look. We have to find the fuckers behind all of this, I am tired of it."
Jacket simply noded his head, assuring he was in the plan.

He then looked into the computer looking deeper to see if he can find anything, but then he saw it, "hah! those dumbasses really just exposed everything like that."
"We have work to do, get your knife and follow me." As he put his helmet on he took his clever and ran with jacket, they went into a sewer, it was all disgusting and dirty, the smell was horrible. But eventually they found two janitors, the man spoke up: "alright, drop it. No more playing around whats the deal with all those phone calls."

As the man was arguing with the janitors jacket was there too, he was kinda zoned out but was wondering why did this guy want to help? Did he feel empathetic enough to understand that Jacket didn't truly want this? Or was he sick of it all too and wanted it to end, but nonetheless Jacket was glad someone was on his side.

The man eventually kill's the janitors "I've heard enough, god what has America come to." He turned around and said to Jacket: "The phone calls should be stopped now. Take my number and update me if you get anything."
He took a dirty piece of paper that was on the desk and a pen, he quickly wrote it down and gave it to him "here." Jacket takes it and puts it in his pocket, afterwards he puts up his hand in the air facing the man, as a handshakes to thank him "You don't have to thank me, it was simple really they weren't smart enough to hide that shit well." He let out a confident giggle but still shook his hand eventually. "Oh and, the names Biker by the way." After saying that, they both left.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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