They fight for their freedom.
They fight for their pride.
They fight for they name.
They fight for their lives.
All would remember the fight.
All would remember the winner.
All would remember the power.
All would remember Y Ddraig Goch.
None would remember the loser.
None would remember the invader.
None would remember the death of the White Dragon.
None would remember the White Dragon.
The language will die.
The white dragon will still invade.
The truth will become a myth.
The magic will die.
The flag will simply fly.
The dragon will simply be a picture.
The magic will simply be a story.
The English will simply rule in defeat.
Y Ddraig Goch is a myth.
Y Ddraig Goch is a fairy tale.
Y Ddraig Goch is a legend.
Y Ddraig Goch is dead.