Forever Running

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"Hurry, they're coming!" yelled a tall figure.

"I'm trying, you're faster than me, slow down!" said the shorter figure.

"I'm sorry, I really would love to live to see tomorrow." said the taller figure sarcastically in the dark woods.

"Shut up, Felix!" yelled the small figure.

"Don't tell me what to do Dominic! You have to remember your place in life, if you don't, your life will be hell!" yelled Felix at her younger brother, who trembled at her every word. "Are you done complaining, Dominic?"

"Y-yes," he stuttered.

"Good, now lets go, before they get any closer." She said in a hushed tone, as she turned around and started to walk away. Dominic followed without another word.


I started to run, my brother had just been killed, I had to survive, I had to get there, before it was to olate. I was running like a deer, jumping over my obstacles, I just had to get away. In the dark, there was one little root, that I didn't see, and I tripped. I fell face first into the cold dirt, as I rolled over onto my back, I was face-to-face to my brothers killer. He grabbed my wrist, and smiled a smile, that words could not explain. I screamed at the top of my lungs, and felt two little hands shaking me. 

"Felix! Wake up, or you're going to give us away!" said the person behind the little hands. "It's just a dream, come on, please wake up!"

"Wh-what's, going on?" I said groggily from my sleep.

"Felix, it's me, Dominic, you were just having a bad dream." said my little brother trying his hardest to comfort me. I looked at him, and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this." I said as tears poured from my eyes. We sat there for a few moments, before I broke the silence, "Come on, lets pack up and keep moving."

"Okay, but I'm hungary." whinned Dominic.

"Fine, one second." I said right before I whistled a tune my grandmother taught me to call the wolfs. Moments later, a great big Timber wolf came out of the brush. "Please, dear friend, will you bring us a rabbit, or a small animal, so we may no longer be hungry?" The great wolf wagged her tail in approval, turned around, and left.


 Thirty minutes later, they heard a howl not to far away.

"She's got something, Dominic hurry and get more wood." I commanded.

"Okay, I will." said Dominic, then rushed off to go and get more firewood.

"He's gone, you can come out now." I said to the object behind the brush. I heard the object let out a small growl. "Really, it's safe."

"No, it's too risky." she growled at me through mind-link.

"Here take this, and you can shift back there okay?" I said as I handed the wolf some clothes, she took it out of her mouth, and I could hear the sound of bones shifting to human form. "Mom! You're finally here!" I yelled to make sure Dominic here me, and not moments later he came almost tripping through the bushes.

"Mom! Finally you're here!" he yelled with exitement and ran into her arms.

"Thank goodness you're okay!" she said very relieved. One thing my poor little brother didn't know, was that our mother was a werewolf, but not those ugly ones in those scary movies, but beautiful huge wolfs, they are bigger than a normal wolfs. Also my dear little brother was also a werewolf, but he doesn't know yet, and won't know until his fifteenth birthday. It's compleaty different for girls, they don't transform until they are sixteen. I smiled as I looked at them, I was happy, we were safe, and together again. We sat down and I started to cook the small animal in the fire and watched my mother and brother across from me.

"When are you going to tell him?" I asked my mom through the mind-link. "You can't keep this from him forever, he needs to know."

"I know, but I just want him to stay like this for a little longer." She said through the mind-link.

"Mom! You can't run from everything! He needs to know! if you don't tell him I will!" my wolf growled through the mind-link.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2014 ⏰

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