Beautiful Visions

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"Just kiss him" My brain told me. Lately it had been saying things like this, things hinting that I should give my best friend a gentle kiss. "This is the perfect place for a first kiss."

Why did I have to keep having these thoughts? Liam was my best friend and had been since kindergarten. He was just like a brother to me, always caring and always there to talk. He had known everything about me and when I was troubled. He was my shoulder to cry on, my partner in crime, and not once did he ask for anything more than what we had. Then, why did I want more?

"Ava! Come in here before I freeze my ass off waiting for you!" Liam interrupted my thoughts.

"I'm coming, you asshole!" I joked.

I jumped down from the giant tree limb I had been sitting on, and ran off the muddy edge where the land and water met.

It was a hot, muggy day and Liam and I decided to go to the secret pond that we had spent many summer days and nights. The pond was fairly small in size, but we didn't mind for it seemed as though we were the only ones who knew about it. It was our little secret hideaway from the rest of the world. The pond was pretty far into the woods and could only be reached by traveling through a trail of thick ivy and various other plants.

"Hey, are you okay? you seemed pretty deep in thought back there," Liam asked. He was always in need of asking if I'm okay.

"Yea, I-I just have a lot on my mind." I replied.

"Like what? You know you could tell me anything."

That was a lie. No matter how much I ached to, I would never be able to tell him about the thoughts and daydreams that I had been having about him -about us- lately.

"Oh, you know, the future, I guess." I lied

"Oh come on! We have whole year of high school left to figure that out."

I had had enough torturous thoughts for the day. "Whatever, can we just go home?"

"Oh," I caught him off guard," I guess if you really want to."

Liam and I started to swim back to the edge of our pond and crawled onto the dirt. He picked up his clothes and we started on the trail to his rusty pick-up truck parked on the side of the dirt road that was on the other side of the trail.

Overall, it was a quiet ride home. He focused on the road as I had another one of my daydreams while staring out the truck window. This one was no different than the others. Liam and I were at the pond and I had confessed my feelings toward him. He would then place his hands on my cheeks and pull me into the deepest, most passionate kiss I would ever experience.

"Stop It Ava!" I said over and over in my head

We pulled into a long driveway to the two story country house that I call my home. As usual, my poor, old beagle Peppridge was waiting for me on the front porch, and my mother was at one of her two jobs. Liam and I walked through the door and tuned into our favorite radio station as we relaxed on the porch.

All was normal.

At least I thought it was...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2013 ⏰

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