Collarbones {Kit Walker} SMUT

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[A/N, Hey y'all this is high school so no Braircliff or Alma, you and kit are together. mentions of weed and shit. SORRY!!!]

'Hey man, I miss your collarbones, I love the way your skin feels on my collarbones. I know I stole that line. Steal all my lines from a guy named Brian ' Played out of your speaker as you got high

"Honey.." Kit snuck in through your window "Don't smoke joints.."

"my family doesn't care, why should you!" you asked

Kit walks over and takes the joint from your mouth and puts it out

"hey! that was expensiv-" You got cut off by kit kissing you

"Stop smoking for me..?" Kit asked kissing your neck

the song restarted 'Hey man, I miss your collarbones, I love the way your skin feels on my collarbones. I know I stole that line. Steal all my lines from this guy named Brian'

"Kit.." You mumbled as he sucked on your neck leaving hickeys behind

"Yes y/n?" He continued to kiss down your chest and along your collarbone

"fuck.. Kit don't stop." You mumbled softly

"not planning on it.." he replies his hand sliding into your pants

You moaned as he brushed his finger against your clit

"oh you like that?" Kit teased

"please don't tease me!!" You pleaded

"Fine" He kisses you again softly as he slides a finger inside of you

"mmph. Fuck.." you leaned into his touch

He began pumping his finger in and out of you causing you to moan loudly

"aren't you worried about someone hearing us?" He asks

"no.." You tried controlling your moans

He continued to pump his finger in and out atbthe same pace

"Fuck.. Kit don't stop.." you repeated as he kissed your collarbone

He removed his finger as you sighed in frustration

"what's wrong?" He teased while unzipping his pants

"You're such a tease!" you replied as he took his pants and boxers off before starting to remove yours. You shivered as his cold hands rested on your hips while his started to thrust inside you. His grip tightened as he heard your moans of pleasure

"Oh you feel so good Y/n" he groaned begining to thrust harder

You flipped him onto his back taking over lifting yourself and then dropping yourself with loud slaps until your legs gave in

"I'll finish.." Kit flipped you on your back again holding onto your hips as he thrusts hard and harder

He fell on top of you after about thirty minutes, you felt his hands wraps around you

"I'm going to have bruises for weeks" you sighed playfully

"Was it that good.." kit kissed your neck again

"I'm going to shower.." you got up and got in the shower

You got out fifteen minutes later and change into shorts and one of kits shirts

"You look perfect.." Kit grabbed your hips and kissed your neck

"Thanks,.." You mumbled before falling asleep

[A/n sorry it took awhile for this chapter to come out but hey it's finally finished, I'm sick so I'll probably try working on more chapters, next one is going to be "Toxic {Tate Langdon}" have a good day/night/morning/afternoon!]

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