I went downstairs for dinner, I glanced at the clock and it read 5:30 P.M. normal time to eat dinner. Mom was in the kitchen cooking who knows what, and Dad was at the dinner table sitting there reading the news paper from this morning.
He lifted his head up from reading the paper, and then he closed it and sat it down beside him.
"Laura, how was school?"
"Like you even care"
"I could hear you miss, don't speak to your father like that"
I just rolled my eyes.
"It was horrible"
"I don't want to talk about it"
I guess my parents were trying to atleast try and care about my day today, but my feeling for them wouldn't change.
Mom brought the meatloaf to the table and sat it down. I reached for a peice, cut it, and put it on my plate. I grabbed the ketchup, opened the bottle and squirted a little of it on my meatloaf.
It was an awkward silence for the first few minutes.
"Someone is hungry"
"I just smiled at my mom and nodded"
"So how's your friend what's his name.. Jack?"
"I don't want to talk about him"
"Why is that"
"Mom, I said I don't want to talk about him" I got up out of my chair and stormed off to my room.
I slammed the door, layed on my bed and just cried. I wasn't the girl who really cried but when it came to Jack betraying me that was a diffrent story. I felt like I wasn't complete without him.
I hear my mom coming up the stairs, and it seemed like the first time that she acually cared about my feelings.
"Honey whats wrong?"
"Jack no longer, loves, cares, about me anymore"
"How do you know that?"
"He is hanging out with the "populars" now"
"Oh, so you feel betrayed?"
"Pretty much"
My mom grabbed my body and just wrapped her arms around me. I felt like I was wanted by my family now.
My mom kissed my forehead and walked out of my room.
I went into the bathroom to wash my face, take off my makeup. I added a splash of water on my face, squeezed the face cleanser in the plam of my hands and applied to my face. I rubbed the cleaner on my face in circular motion while it suds up. I was done, so I grabbed a clean washcloth from under my sink, wet it with warm facet water from the sink, put it on my face, rubbed all around my face. When I was done I dried my face with the towel hanging from over the shower.
Next it was time for the eye makeup. I went into my bathroom mirrror which had a shelf when it was opened. I took out the este lauter eye makeup remover, poured it on a a makeup pad, put it on my right eye and began to wipe it away. I did the same to the left.
I brushed my teeth after that, then I went into my dresser to pick out my pajamas. I grabbed a black veil bride t-shirt that was sort of big that I got at hot topic. Then I grabbed a pair of black of sweatpants and but them on along with the shirt. I was now ready for bed.
When I got into my bed, I grabbed my boom from my side mantle and started reading. I saw my phone light up and on the screen it said "Jasper"
"Be here in 10"
I totally forgot about the movie him and I were going to see, I quickly pulled out a pair of grey skinny jeans and a white lace top and a black long cardigan and put it on. After that I slipped on a pair of black toms and ran down stairs.
"Where are you going?"
"Out with Jasper"
"Okay, have fun"
I just smiled and walked out the door.
It was a nice evening, it was warm and not to chilly the perfect weather for me. I wainted for Jasper to come and pick me up. I didn't know what movie we where going to be seeing.
A few minutes later Jasper pulled up in a white chevy sonic and waved up me. I walked over to the car, opened it, and got in.
"Hey Laura"
"We are going to be seeing The Last Exorcist ll"
We got to the movies and it was crowed because it was opening night and there was a line out the theater to see it. I've always been a big fan of scary movies they are my favorite kind of movies to watch.
"You nervous Laura?"
"Not at all"
"Neither am I"
We got up to the ticket booth and Jasper said, "Two tickets for students" while handing the lady his credit card. She gave us our tickets so off we went to the main theater room and we had to wait in a long line. Fianlly we reached the top of the theater room and went in there. God, I've never seen so many people in a theater in my life.
Jasper and looked around for the remaining seats and they were perfect seats, right in the middle of the room. We sat down and got situtated and waited for the movie to start. They were showing previews of the up coming movies that were going to be playing this summer for a good twenty minutes.
The movie fianlly started and in the background there were a bunch of teens yelling in excitedment and clapping. Jasper looked at me and smiled and I just smilled back.
Throughout the movie there was yelling, screaming, cussing, and much more odd things going on in the movie. At some scenes it was scarry and others were just plain stupid.
Towards the end of the movie Jasper put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. I was just in awe the whole time this is the best night of my life. The movie was finally over and Jasper and I let the crowd go before us. I swear there was about 100 people there.
The car ride home Jasper had the best music ever, Imagine Dragons, Black Veil Brides, Peirce the Veil, My Chemical Romance. and Sleeping with sirens.
"These are my favorite CD's ever"
"Oh really you like this stuff?"
"I love it"
"Well put one in"
He didn't have the newest My Chemical Romance CD he only had The Black Parade. I put the CD in and put it on track 9 which is Mama.
"Mama we all go to hell, Mama we all go to hell" Jasper sang along with Gerard Way.
"I'm writing this letter and wishing you well, mama we all go to hell" I sang.
The whole time we were changing CD to CD until I got home. I got out of the car and along Jasper went. I got to the door step and Jasper did at the same time also.
"I had a great night Laura"
"Me too, Thanks"
He leaned in and so did I and at the moment our lips sealed. I felt mejastic, amazing, loved, and wanted. A few seconds later I broke the kiss and Jasper just waned and walked back to his car.
I ran inside the house smiling the whole time. This is a dream that has come true.
Finding Hope Somewhere
Ficțiune adolescențiA 16 year old girl named Laura, who has abusive parents and no one but her best friend Jack. She finally finds a guy who she thinks is "The One".