Chapter 1. The End Of The World.

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Part 1-
Mature (??)
Satani- I mean this is a very holy book 😅
A few of these chapters take place in Hell.
Magic/power/rebirth of earth kinda book

Characters in the book
Kimaria Bell-Greene (aria)
Darren Greene(father) (not relevant to the story)
Chloe Bell (mother) (not relevant to the story)
Tyriq Bell-Greene
Jackie Schacks
Maxie Schacks
Grayson Wilson
"..." speaking
*...* thoughts
/... / actions
((...)) MM you'll find out what it means later

Words: 1757
??? POV:
The year is 3044. All basic life is gone. They were
destroyed in a atomic explosion in 2048. for years and years the world as you know it was gone. The world fell apart and broke away. The solar system went astray and the sun imploded a few eons earlier.
(2052) The earths Pieces slowly broke apart. It was the end of the Milky Way galaxy. Or so they thought.
One of the Earths pieces, the biggest one drifted into a nearby solar system (2055) and was hit by a piece of radiation by the Blue sun and
Was reborn. (Ha ha had to add the Big Bang theory) the new earth was thrown into rotation of the other planets, and was added to the mix! But there was a catch as the earth slowly (2070/2080) slowly grew and repopulated... the leftover radiation was still in the earth killing all life AGAIN. But instead of the world going dark again... something crazy happened.

The first settlers started to rise again.

(2090) They all started to stir awake, wondering what, where, and who. they all awoke and went separate ways, some West, some went North, some went South, and some went East. they all started to wonder what and how are they here? They all moved on with their lives and had children and got married, but Just then on, November 5, 2097
Little Caya Sando started to feel


He fell deathly sick and his parents Tasha and Nathaniel Sando, called paramedics, and they thought he wasn't going to make it his resting heart rate was 120 and he was extremely pale. The doctors found a small amount of radiation was in his body and steadily increasing. They rushed him into the Hospital to try and find a cure but everyone feared it was far to late. After 3 long months of fighting On the morning of January 20 Caya was cured and he was returned to his home. And the family was at peace. but not for long. On August 9th 2098 or Caya's 8th birthday, everything was easy and with flow. There was a bouncy house in the back, his friends from school came over, his sister Amber came down from Nevada (this is in the new North America they are in Texas) and every thing was nice and easy but when they all formed around caya and sang happy birthday, something strange happened. Caya made a wish and tried to blow out his candles but they didn't go out, so he tried again. Harder. They only started to grow and melt the wax faster, the family was confused so was everyone else they didn't get trick candles. Caya then tried to wave with his hands to make them go out. No luck he put his hands back into his lap and sighed then. Somebody screamed
"Look at his hands"
"What the hell?"
Everyone's whispers grew around Caya he didn't know what they were talking about then he turned to his family they too were were looking at him with horror.
Boyo... his sister said in fear (boyo is his nickname)
Look at your hands... he looked down and sure enough you may have guessed it...

His hands were on fire.

He screamed even though he didn't feel any pain. No agony, no burning sensation. just pure fear. Then as suddenly as it started it stopped the candles blew out and his hands stopped burning, but when his mom grabbed his hands to inspect them... there were no burn markings. His hands looked like there were that morn. Clean. Tasha called the party off everyone went home with their goodie bags they would be talking about this for a good while.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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