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My Christmas List: December 17th
Please let this dinner go well.


I took a few deep breaths in and let them out, adjusting the black satin button-down dress clinging to my body.

I tucked my dark hair behind my ears as I gave myself one more glance in the mirror, backing away slowly to exit my room toward what felt like an execution.

Walking down the hall, there was laughter and chatter—hearing Idalia's small voice, made me feel slightly better.

My black stiletto boots clicked against the shiny floors but still couldn't surpass the volume of the voices in the room I was headed toward.

Please, seriously, please let this dinner go well.

I don't ask for much.

Entering into the room I could see Stella and Alessandro seated very close together at the head of the table, their bodies angled toward one another as they sipped their wine with widespread smiles.

Dominico was seated on his father's side, with his back facing me. Beside him was Idalia who was buckled into a high chair placed in one of the expensive seats, and beside her was Emilia.

Seated beside her mom, and facing me, was Armani, whose dark eyes were thankfully on Idalia, who had seemed to capture the group's attention with a story about how she almost witnessed someone eating a frog.

"It wouldn't have been safe if she did—he would've turned into a prince in her stomach!" Idalia said, which earned a full-on grin and chuckle from Armani who lifted her glass of red wine to her plump lips.

"Mira! How nice of you to join us," Stella said, which immediately caused Armani to choke slightly on the wine she had just taken a sip of as her dark eyes snapped to me.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were on me as well.

Dominico had turned around along with Idalia and Emilia, while Alessandro seemed to look remorseful. Probably from that little 'test' he pulled.

"Please, take a seat Mira," Alessandro said, gesturing to Armani's side of the table.

Of course.

They either think we're still together, or that this all could possibly fix something.

I smiled tightly, walking over toward the side of the table where Armani was seated at.

But my heart almost shattered when Armani stood from the table. Was she really about to leave? 

Had I done enough damage to push her out of a room with my presence alone? 

I wouldn't be surprised if I had. I was terrible to her. I pushed her away, so what exactly did I expect from her now?

My thoughts came to an abrupt halt when, instead of leaving, Armani pulled out the chair beside hers and motioned for me to sit down.

The small gesture made me hold back the smile that wanted to crawl onto my face.

She's so respectful, and she's always treated me as something so valuable. Like she felt the need to go to great lengths to protect the value that she thought I held.

When in reality, I felt the opposite of valuable.

Instead, I felt like the dirt that Millicent's polished Valentino's accidentally stepped in, which would inevitably earn a string of curse words from her.

"Thank you," I said, my voice in a mere whisper as I sat down in the soft seat.

"Always," she said, sitting down next to me.

A MERRY MAFIA CHRISTMAS (18+) (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now