start of something new

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you where waiting for keeho to pick you up while waiting in front of your house. you should probably call him stephen instead of keeho you thought to yourself while scrolling through Instagram. you don't want him to think that you only want him for his popularity or his money you just want...him. you see a black car pull up to your  house and he steps out smiling at you  when he opened the car door. "hey gorgeous" keeho smiles. "hey handsome" you remark. damn hes strong. his hidden muscles pull you in to  a quick hug before he opens the passenger seat for you.

this car was niceeeeeeee. you know you said you didn't want him for his money damn it was a bonus. he handed you the aux. this was your time to shine. "play whatever i trust that you have a good music taste." he said with a chuckle you smiled and went into spotify clicking your "stfu and vibe with  me" playlist on shuffle. suddenly 3005 by childish Gambino started playing through the radio. he looked at you and smiled. "good choice" keeho winked making you stomach turn a little bit. you guys joked and talked for the 10 minute car ride that felt like 1. guess what they say is true...time flies when your having fun.

~time skip~

you guys where almost done your lunch  and your stomachs hurt from laughing so much. "omg..i cant remember the last time I've laughed this much." you said as you wiped the tears of laughter from your eyes. " i know right." keeho giggled while he stared into your eyes. you remembered this really funny joke that v told you once and you knew that he would find it funny. "OH stephan-" you started "wait, what" he cut you off. "oh i'm sorry did i say something wrong??"  you asked in a worried tone. "nono its just that um no one has called me that yknow since i became an idol" he explained while looking at the floor.

"oh um i'm sorry did you not want me to call you that i wont i just thought that may-" he cut you off again. " call me steph" he said with a big smile on his face making you smile. fuck hes so pretty.

~time skip~

As you guys pulled up to your house you looked at steph with a smile. "I had so much fun!" you exclaimed. "Me too" he agreed. " we shoukd really do this more" you said. As the sentance left your mouth you relized. Hes an idol he probably wont be really having time to just go on dates with you and that was something that you where willing to accept.

"Or not i get it if your busy i mean you are and idol and stuff so it's fine dont worry i mean im free if your free cuz obviously i dont have such a busy schedule Wait was that rude im sorry i just-"  you where cut off by his warm embrace.

You where shoked at first then you hugged him back "i promise everytime that i can, i will go on a date with you i wouldnt spend my time any other way." He declared with a stern voice. One that sent shivers down your spine. He pulled away from the hug and looked at you in your eyes. "Ill text you tomorrow, you should get some rest you look pretty tired" he giggled.

"Yeah i am" you blushed. "Well i guess this is goodbye" he assumed. "Yeah i guess it is" you supposed. "Ok then have a goodnight" he said and kissed you on the cheek as he walked back to his car gettin in and starting it. You just stood there and waved as your dream drove away from your house.




Word count: 647

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