It was so weird how we all or i tried to be so cool about it. I was crakin jokes about how much fun we had when she was here but one of my aunts where weeping softly. My great grandmother was the real reason the family stayed together, she always loved having her family together. we always had the best party's, and the best food she sure loved it.
At the funeral, I made my mom laugh I tried to make my granny (great grandmothers daughter) laugh but it kinda worked. My emotions were all over the place but I had finally had control.... but then of course they had to open the casket I couldn't help but to cry, and so did my mom. When it was time I walked in the line to get to the casket. My cousin had a hard time she was breaking down... we all had a hard time. I kissed my Best friend on the cheek and cried softly and I seen my other grandmother she looked at me and said awww.
we went to the grave. took pictures. and that's all I remember. When something tragic happens you either can remember everything that happened that day or some or you can't remember at all.
Even though its tuff I got through it and you can to. I still feel as if I had done something wrong and that she's mad at me but I know that she will forgive for what ever ive done. I'm so glad I got to even know my great grandmother and that she loved me for me. and she's always in my dreams.
R.I.P Fannie Ruth Gray R.I.P
The Rain It Fell
Literatura Faktuthis is a true story of how and how I got through losing my best friend