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Alice was Vanessa's younger sister. She was a kind hearted kid, but definitely rebellious. But even when she would get herself in trouble, Vanessa was always there, ready to protect (and also scold) her. Her parents were never home, but don't judge them, they work hard so that the two of them would always have the best. Though, even knowing this, Alice wished they'd have more time at home.

Knowing this, you've probably figured out that Vanessa was like a parent to her. She would cook, pick her at school, wash her clothes and take her somewhere nice to hang out.

Vanessa was like, her whole family. But after finding a new job, she'd get less and less time to spend with Alice.

I mean, she wasn't a little kid anymore! She was fourteen, for God's sake! But she couldn't deny the fact that she felt a little abandoned when Vanessa stopped having more time with her.

But what was worse, was Vanessa's sudden change of behaviour. Sometimes, Alice caught her speaking to herself. Or when she would get annoyed out of nowhere. Usually, when Alice got into trouble, Vanessa would always stay calm, even when scolding her. After talking, she would give Alice a big and warm hug. But now, she screams, and after that, ignore Alice for a long time.

Of course Alice always assumed that it was probably because of the new job. I mean, it was clear that it took a toll on her. But she'd always get uncomfortable whenever Vanessa did something out of character.

But after one night, she understood that there was definitely something wrong with her sister.

It was day off, and her parents were at home. Everyone was sitting at the table, normally talking. Alice wasn't exactly paying attention to what they were saying, but she was cut off of her trance when Vanessa suddenly shouted.

She screamed at her parents (things that Alice didn't really remember) and grabbed the glass of water that was in front of her. She raised the glass, and actually considered hitting it on mother. But in the last minute, she crashed the glass against the wall.

Vanessa NEVER did that. Not even on her worst fights with their parents, not even when she was having a bad day, Vanessa NEVER did that.

Alice's eyes immediately widened, and she couldn't say anything. Their mother, also shocked, started crying, while father shouted at Vanessa.

Vanessa also seemed shocked. You could see her eyes watering, while father shouted at her.

At the end of the conversation, she said something about moving out. But what would Alice do if she moved out? Sure, her sister was acting weird, but she still loved and needed her. If Vanessa was gone, what would she do?

Vanessa ran upstairs and slammed the door shut. Father told Alice to also go to her room, so that he could clean all the shattered glass from the floor. When upstairs, Alice almost knocked on Vanessa's door. But decided not to. The next few days, Vanessa acted like nothing ever happened.

It was after a week of that incident, that Vanessa suddenly disappeared.

Usually, Vanessa would wake Alice up, so that she could go to school. But that morning, Alice woke up late. She found that weird, but thought that maybe Vanessa also slept in. She went to her room and knocked her door. But nothing. She knocked again, but nothing. She decided to open the door anyways. When she got into the room, the first thing she noticed, was the messy desk. Vanessa would NEVER leave her desk like that. Then, she looked at the bed, and to her surprise, Vanessa was not there.

"Okay-" she thought "maybe she's already awake and just forgot to wake me up, although that's also weird..."

Alice went downstairs, in hope to find Vanessa sitting on the couch, cooking her breakfast or trying to fix their old kitchen sink's tap.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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