3 Girls Final Night

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Brist: *looking at the list and stares at the 3 Girls* It seems your time is up *frowns*
Cess, Skits and Ollie: Awww *frowns*
Ollie: Can't we stay a little longer?
Mike: *looks at the rules*
Sorry *shrugs* Rules are Rules... *frowns*
Brist: *tears up a little bit and wipes them away with her arm*
Vincent: Are you cryin' gurl?
Brist: N-no...
Jeremy: *wraps his arm around Brist* Hey... at least we had fun right? *smiles*
Everyone: *nods and agrees*
Skits: Yea... We had a lot of fun.
Fritz: Bonfire Time!
Brist: Oh yea. I almost forgot.
Fritz: We should go near da bonfire and say some things... *helds Brist's Hand*
Jeremy: *Felt jealous and grumbles quietly* *drags Brist away from Fritz*
Brist: Alright then...

Time Skip as they went near a bonfire for their special night.

Fritz: We're Here!
Brist: Find a seat and let's start!
*sits beside Jeremy*
Fritz: *sits beside Brist*
Mike: *shoulders PG to make him look at Brist and chuckled*
Ollie: So? What are we gonna do?
Skits: I guess we'll say our last words then before we leave. *wipes a tear falling from her cheeks*
Brist: Okay, I'll start.

I never, ever had friends like you guys cause I've been very alone for a long time... *nods* *tears up a little bit*
I'm gonna remember you weirdos *grins*

Cess: Me too. *smiled*
Skits and Ollie: *nods and agrees*

Jeremy: *took a deep breath* Okay...
Mike: Should you say you had a crush on these girls? *smirks*
Jeremy: *nods*
I know this is happening and I'll say it right away...
I Like Brist... *nods* I.. Love love Brist. *smiles and gave a quick kiss in her cheeks*

Everyone: Awwww *giggles*
Jeremy: Mike?
Mike: I like Cess...
Cess: Wat
Mike: Cause ur funny... and mean... I like it. *smirks*
Cess: For real Mike...

I've liked you too. *blushes*

I-I'm sorry for being soo mean and grumpy.

I mma miss you soooooo much.

That "I Like Chris" Is just a joke...
*giggles and shrugs*

Love ya Mike *smiles and gave a quick kiss in Mike's lips*

Mike: *kisses back and smiles*
I love you too. *hugs her and smirks*
Fritz: *whispers* I ship it like Fedex... *chuckles*
Cess: PG?
PG: I kinda don't talk when I'm with the girls...

I guess I just seemed to like Ollie a lot. *wraps an arm around Ollie*
Ollie: *nods and leans to PG's chest*
Skits: *tears up* *in a hoarse voice* I-I'm gonna miss this book. Even after I'm gone.
Brist: I promise I'll still continue this book...
*pats Cess*
Even if we're going to school...
Vincent: I dunno wat to say... *shrugs*
Jeremy: Okay then... before we leave... wat are we gonna do?
Everyone: *Silence*

Brist: *looks to the side*
I got my ticket for the long way 'round...

Cess and Brist: *looks at each other*
Two bottle 'a whiskey for the way...

Fritz, Ollie, Cess and Brist:
And I sure would like some sweet company
And I'm leaving tomorrow, wha-do-ya say?

Everyone: *smiles*

Brist: *looks at Skits* When I'm gone...

Skits: When I'm gone...

Everyone: When I'm gooo-o-one...
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone...

Ollie: *smirks*
You're gonna miss me by my hair

You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

Everyone: *laughs*
Jeremy: A little song you got there eh?
Brist: *giggles and hugs Jeremy*
*hugs Ollie, Cess and Skits altogether*
Night guards: *went near them and hug them also*
Brist: I'll miss ya girls *winks*

Thank you for joining Cess, Skits and Ollie

Ollie, Skits and Cess: MY PLEASURE BRIST

Check these awesum peeps!

If you ever want to join... COMMENT OR CHAT ME. :)

Anyway, it's in da rulez

And this time, I may not write cause School's almost coming...


*hugs each other*

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