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Last week two young adults went missing on the east side and south side of the city at approximately midnight on XX/XX. Both apartments were searched but had no signs of struggle or intrusion. First thought to be separate events, the families of each affirmed that the two adults were connected.

"My Cathy was good friends with that one for a while. They were almost inseparable, did everything together." Her mother said.

The nineteen-year-old Cathy Hartmann had previously been a student at ______ University before dropping out, but there had been no other major warning signs.

"She started calling us less. We learned that she dropped her university, and we were quite angry. She told us she had gotten a job instead, but never gave details when pressed. She drank but never did drugs, was respectful until last semester. We're not sure what went on."

The twenty-year-old named _____ _____ was last seen at the apartment complex they had moved into only a few days prior. Previously an upstanding student and good employee, their behaviour had become erratic a month before their disappearance according to their mother and friend.

"Something happened a few months ago that caused a rift between them and Cathy. Some sort of falling out I wasn't sure what it was – they never told me what went wrong but they stopped talking to her soon after." Their mother said.

"Then they started being more closed off. Wouldn't talk to me even when they seemed troubled. We fought a few times and then, suddenly, they were packing up and moving away. It all happened so fast. I didn't even know where they were going."

A close friend had some information regarding the move.

"They told me a lot. About their home life, their struggles with school and their job." A friend said.

"They had something they wouldn't talk about, though. Sometimes they had bruises their clothing didn't quite cover, and the bags under their eyes only ever got darker. I wasn't sure if it was the home problems, but I supported them nonetheless. It just seemed like they had no one to turn to, and I wanted to show there were good things. I was afraid they might take their own life."

Foul play is not yet suspected.

Cathy is described as 167cm tall, last seen with red dyed hair and grey eyes. Identifying marks include a mole on the right side of her forehead and a fairy tattoo on her right arm.

_____ is described as ___ tall, with ____ hair and ____ eyes. They have these identifying marks, _______.

If you have any information about the situation, please call XXX-XXX-XXXX.

Delirium (Creepypasta x reader)Where stories live. Discover now