Something is just a word ,
A word different from everything,
Everything which one wants to achieve,
But what one achieve is something.One looks back in time ,
Wishing on changing certain something ,
Not everything,Why so? have we ever thought,
Is something more important than everything?
Then why one desire to get everything ,
Not just something.But we desire something,
And we get it ,
We again start a loop of wanting more of something,
So does that mean something leads to everything.a mystery of something leading everything,
Or everything leading to something ,
But Certainly, something may not be everything yet it's everything,
Everything may still mean nothing,All that leads oneself to achieving something is,
something which made onceself to desire it ,
Thus sometimes something leads to something ,
Many times the cycle continues.All we know is in this cycle of something,
We may once achieve everything but,
If we loose something from everything,
We loose everything.Can't define something nor everything,
One can just define one's desire,
Which may be something or everything,
For different person and different time.