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It was a rainy night in a house with a young lady all alone. She was watching TV and she was making some green tea in her kitchen. Until the romance program she was watching shifted to a flash news.

"We are interrupting this program for a warning about a serial killer who has recently being saw in the city of Sterling Height in Michigan." This give shiver down the spine of the lady cause it was were she is living. Before she could even finish her tea, she run to the living room to see the news.
"We only have a few info about this killer, we know that its a women and that she always left some X as way to warn that she is her or after she commit a murder bit nobody know how she look or why she is doing. If you live at this city, we recommend you to stay inside and lock every doors and windows" As the report finish, the lady run to lock all her windows and doors.

After it was done, she go to the kitchen to finish her tea, but she heard a noise coming from upstair, she put her tea on the table and go to see what happen, she was in front of her bedroom's door and when she open it, there was nothing, nobody was here.

She go to the window of her room and it was locked, she turn her face to see something shocking.

On the wall, was an X engraved that seems to have being done with a knife. The lady scared and thought that she has locked herself inside with the killer.

Then, she heard the sound of footsteps coming to the room. She didn't think twice and hide under her bed. Then someone enter, all that the lady could see, is a pair of black rain boots walking around the room before living it.

Then the lady leave the room and was about to go down stair, but she stop infront of the stairs out of fear we she in front of her eyes, the serial killer that she wanted to run away from.

She was wearing a black baggy pants, a black hoodie with the hood almost hiding her face and just show a few lock of her beige pink hair, and that same face was covered by a black facial mask with a white X on it. This killer was fixing the lady with her brown eyes and a death look. She was about to kill the women with her two kitchen knife that she was holding.

The lady scream and she run back to her room but she fall and the killer run to her and stab her multiples time.

The lady was screaming of pain, all of her blood was covering the floor, tears fall from her eyes and after the killer finish stabing her, she stop bleeding, her scream stop and the only thing she saw was the killer that was smiling under her mask before she lost her vision.

The police arrived at her house a few minutes after when they get the call from the neighbor who said that he had heard screams.

We the police officers enter in the house, all they saw was the lady laying on the ground of the second floor dead with severals stab wound on her body but they also noticed that there was nobody else in the house and came to the conclusion that the killer run away.

But when they look at the wall, they an giant X paint with the lady's blood and a sentence written with the blood that shocked the police officers. And it say.

"Goodnight, Final night, X-Rey"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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