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CASSIE WAS HAPPILY MUNCHING on her Yorkshire puddings and gravy as Dumbledore finally stood up to make his start of term speech

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CASSIE WAS HAPPILY MUNCHING on her Yorkshire puddings and gravy as Dumbledore finally stood up to make his start of term speech. Cedric watched Cassie with a smile. It was nice to see her look so happy. Cedric ruffled her blonde hair, and once again, her hair turned a light pink.

People used to tease her because apparently she like Cedric. She used to get so annoyed by them, and even though the teasing stopped, she was still really annoyed by them.

He was her best and only friend, but she couldn't deny that he was attractive. He was the only one to show her any kind of affection, of course she was going to blush and be embarrassed around him.

Dumbledore beamed out at the students, his long, grey beard shimmering in the candlelight. The candles was one of Cassie's favourite things about Hogwarts.

"Welcome!" Dumbledore announced. "I have a few things to say as we come to the end of our excellent feast, that I notice a few of you have missed."

Cassie didn't miss the way his eyes swept across her table. Sheepishly, she wiped the gravy off her face.

Dumbledore continued after seeing Cassie's sheepish grin; "I, myself, an particularly looking forward to the flaming kiwi cups. Which, while somewhat treacherous for those of us with facial hair—!"

McGonagall cleared her throat and Dumbledore paused. He continued, "Yes. First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts. Good luck to you, Professor."

As Cassie got a good look at his face, she paled. Noticing this, Cedric looked over her with worry. Across at the Ravenclaw table, Rowan shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Aurora and Calliope both exchanged nervous glances at the Gryffindor table, before looking over at Cassie with worry. At the Slytherin table, Azalea was sat with her friends, laughing at the scars on his face. She knew how he got them. Of course she knew. But it doesn't mean she's not gonna laugh at him and make fun of him. She does the same thing to Rowan.

Instead of doing it to Rowan's face, she does it behind his back. But with Remus, she did not care. He shouldn't have left them all those years ago.

Remus left without warning. He left one single note for Francesca, explaining his sorry's. The Lupin kids were told he had left with no note, and were forced to change their surnames back to Smith before starting at Hogwarts.

Cassie was the most upset by their father's disappearance. He was like the world to her. He always managed to her cheer up when she felt like she could never smile again, and he always gave her chocolate when she was scared from a nightmare. He was the one who kept Cassie happy.

Then, the second he left, her world came crumbling down. The once happy Cassie was gone. The confident Cassie was gone. She blamed herself for his disappearance. Maybe if she hadn't been that clingy, or if she hadn't had eaten his last secret stash of chocolate...

For the third time that day, Cassie's breathing quickened. She always thought that if her father showed up again, she'd feel relieved and happy. However, she was completely wrong. Aurora and Callie wanted nothing more than to run across the hall to get to Cassie and Rowan — the two who were most affected by his disappearance.

Cassie was a father's girl. There was no doubt about that. If she asked for the world, that man would give it to her on a silver platter. However, Rowan was affected because Remus was the reason he was turned. The one experienced person who could help young Rowan, left without looking back.

"As some of you may know, Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs." Dumbledore said, as Cedric was gently whispered into Cassie's ear to help her calm down.

Dumbledore payed no attention to the Smith children, he just continued his speech. "Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be filled by none other her than our own Rubeus Hagrid! Finally, on a more disquieting note, Hogwarts — at the request of the Ministry of Magic — will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban."

The hall broke out in murmurs. Cassie's breathing became quicker. Her face paled. Her eyes welled with tears. Her hair began changing colour after colour, she was unable to control it.

"The Dementors will be stationed at the entrances to the grounds. While they are under strict orders not to enter the castle itself, you will on occasion see them as you go about your daily activities," Dumbledore was finally getting to the end of his speech.

Cassie was as white as a ghost now, and Cedric was becoming more and more worried the paler she got. This was not normal for Cassie. Aurora, Callie and Rowan were becoming impatient. They wanted to get to Cassie.

"Under no circumstances are you to approach them." Dumbledore was saying. "It is not in the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving. Now, time for bed. First years, follow your Prefects!"

It seemed like Cassie was glued to her seat. The noises were becoming faint, her vision was becoming blurry. And then, her vision went black.


"How is she?" Cedric asked Madam Pomfrey an hour later. He was filled with worry, and his hair was a mess. He was red in the face and his eyes looked bloodshot.

"She is fine, dear. All that happened was she fainted." Pomfrey stated, remembering back when Francesca used to pace the halls after Quidditch matches when she was younger. Cedric reminded her of the way Fran used to act towards Sirius Black and James Potter. "She woke up ten minutes ago. She's getting ready to go back to the common room."

"Okay, great," said Cedric, feeling relieved. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He cared for Cassie, more than he cared about his grades, and that was saying something.

Cedric waited for Cassie, and when he saw her, he pulled her into the tightest hug ever. Cassie felt relaxed now. "Don't ever scare me like that, again!" Cedric scolded. His voice turned soft, "Do you want to talk about dinner?"

Cassie shook her head, "Maybe a different night," her hair was light pink, and a blush appeared across her cheeks. They entered their common room, and Cassie turned to face Cedric.

She smiled, "Goodnight, Ced."

A/N: So, I love her friendship with Cedric, and I cannot wait to write Goblet of Fire.
QOTC: who is your favourite marauder?
AOTC: remus john lupin ofc

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