Chapter#1 First day of school

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(Setting takes place in Los Angeles. The month was August and the date was the 1st. The weather outside was nice/very beautiful outside. As the early morning sky was showing a nice crystal clear blue sky without a single cloud in the sky at all. A sign that the weather for the day was going to be sunny and warm. The season was autumn and there where signs that autumn has arrived in Los Angeles.

All of the leaves on all of the trees are beginning to change there colors from green to red, yellow to orange. And pretty soon be falling right off all of the trees and into people's lawns. Witch means people will be soon having to be bringing out there rakes and raking up huge piles of different colored leaves up. But for all the little kids out in the neighborhoods of Los Angeles they don't mind all of those huge piles of leaves that there parents rake up as they get to jump right into all of those huge piles of leaves. Laughing and giggling while sometimes having little playful leaf fights with each other. Where one kid playfully throws some leafs on another kid and another kid throws some more leafs on another kid.

Another sign that autumn has arrived in Los Angeles. Is that all the shops in the mall has began to sell autumn merchandise. Like long sleeved shirts and pants, Hoodies and school supplies. Once the month of August began. All the shops in the mall who had sold summer merchandise over the summer months. Began to swap out there summer merchandise that they had on display and on there shop shelves for autumn merchandise. And as for there summer merchandise they placed all of that stuff on clearance.

The least sign of autumn has arrived in Los Angeles. Is a three words. Back to school. Sense summer vacation had ended on the last day of July. And that today was the very first day of August. That means that all the little kids, preteens, teenagers head back to school after a three month long summer break.)

(At the bunny family home residence.)

(Inside the bunny family home.)

(Inside there kitchen.)

Mrs. Bunny: (Was cooking breakfast over the stove for her, for her husband and for her only daughter.)

Mr. Bunny: (Was sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper.)

Mrs. Bunny: (Flipped the last carrot pancake into the air witch landed right smack onto the pan witch she was using to cook the carrot pancakes on.)

Mrs. Bunny: (Turns off the stove after she had flipped the last carrot pancake as she notices that it was cooked to perfection. And she walks over towards the huge stack of carrot pancakes that she had prepared for her family.)

Mrs. Bunny: (Clears her throat.)

Mrs. Bunny: "Beatrice dear breakfast is ready! "And it's time to wake up as today is your very exciting day!


(Inside Beatrice Bunny's bedroom.)

Beatrice Bunny: (Who was still sleeping inside her bed slowly begins to wake up as she hears her mother's gentle voice calling her from downstairs.)

Beatrice Bunny: (Groans as she begins to speak to her mother.)

Beatrice Bunny: (Yawns as she begins to rub both of her eyes.)

Beatrice Bunny: "I'll be down in a minute mom.

Beatrice Bunny: (Was now finally wide awake and gets right up from her bed and stretches out her body. She first walks over to her own bathroom as she had to really use the bathroom. And after she was done using the bathroom. She decided to freshen up as she knew that today was a very important day. As today was her very first day of high school as today was her freshmen year of high school.)

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