first day of hell

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Jay is peacefully sleeping when all of the sudden he hears a noise; the noise we all hate. it was the clock. jay got up and went on his phone and then he realized that it was the first day of school. - motherfucker! - He quickly ate his breakfast, brushed his teeth and got ready for school. He went outside and realized that he had missed the bus. - Of course this is happening to me. - he got his motorcycle and went to school, forgetting that he left his little sister all alone at home and that when he came back from school his parents were gonna scold him. He arrived at school and saw Luisa, his best friend and crush. - hey Lulu! - that's what jay called her, Lulu. -Hey JJ!! - when Luisa saw Jay you could see the visible happiness on her face, she had also became as red as a tomato when she heard his voice. - What are you up to Lulu? - - nothing, i was just waiting for you actually! - Jay's stomach filled with butterflies knowing that she, the girl of his dreams, was willing to be late for class just to wait for him. - so, wanna go in, i'm kinda late for class - while saying that, Lulu heard someone else calling her. - LUISAAA!!!! MY BESTIE!!!! - that was Luisa's best friend, Kamila. - OH MY GOD KAMIIII!! WE HAVENT SEEN EACH OTHER IN LIKE AGESSS!! I MISSED YOUU - They hugged each other and ran to class together. Jay smiled and also ran to class. Luisa and Jay sat next to each other but there was also another girl next to Jay, her name was Emma. Emma was a blondie with freckles and green emerald eyes. Emma has liked Jay since the first day that she saw him but Jay had made it clear that he didn't like her. - Hey jay!! - - oh, uhm, hey Em - - OH MY GOD EMMA HE GAVE YOU A NICKNAME!! - she thought to herself. While jay was talking to Emma Luisa just death stared her the whole entire time. The teacher came in, - good morning class, sorry for being late i had to bring my kids to school, well let's start with our lesson. - that was ms Lovey, everyone liked her. She was the nicest teacher in the school and she once took her class on a trip to Paris. - teacher, can i go to the bathroom please? i forgot to go at home - - yes Luisa you can go. - Luisa went to the bathroom to encounter her friend, Sheila. - Shey, i don't know wha to do. i think Jay likes Emma. - - PFFTTT not possible, you know how much Jay hates her - - yeah... but he gave her a nick name... he called her Em.. - - and?? he might've just called her Em for no reason. I honestly think he likes YOU - - don't be silly Sheila.. why would he like me?? i mean we've known each other for ages, i don't think he wants to ruin our friendship. - Emma came in the bathroom, with an angry face. - Luisa, the teacher sent me to call you to come back to class and i heard what you said Sheila!! Jay DOES like me, it's evident! Luisa, Jay will NEVER like you as much as he likes me. i mean, everyone likes me. - - shut the fuck up emma!! Luisa is beautiful and way nicer than you! - - whatever.. -

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