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The pain is terrible, but hell, he knew it would be. With hip bones needing to slowly part to make better space, and muscles contracting harshly to push something way too big out… of course it would hurt like a bitch.


Still, his body is not, by a long shot, what is throbbing worst, it even helps to override the other, deeper ache, with something at least understandable.

Those memories he doesn't need at this moment.


"I didn't do it! Will you at least listen to me?! For God's sake, Tim, I promised." 

"...." Tim's silence hits worse than any vitriol he could have sprouted. 

'Would you at least look at me?' he thinks. 

But he never does.


Jason clenches his teeth, pressing on despite how his arms tremble with the effort to keep his upper body mostly up, legs bend wide open and trembling ever harsher. 

A drop of sweat slides down his temple and further down to his neck, adding another point of focus nicer than what is actually taking place between his thighs.

He's drenched, clammy, hair plastered to his forehead… a mixture of womb water and blood pooling under him, making the pile of furs he's laying on sticky. 

Yet it's better than bare rock, so he doesn't complain.  

What's starting to gnaw at his mind is the notion he's losing too much of both; blood, water womb... He can tell by the blandness settling over his overstressed muscles, the way his strength is bleeding out, and how his lips stick together, chapped in the first stages of dehydration. 

To make it all the better, exhaustion is taking its toll after hours of labor. 

But then again this is his very first birth, of course it wouldn't be a half an hour deal done before he has the time to work up a sweat. 

Funny how just a year ago he wouldn't even consider getting pregnant. Now Jason refuses to even sketch in his mind the consequences if he cannot see this to the very end.

Losing the kid… bares his teeth savagely, violent over the threat to his cub. He will manage like he has managed so many other seemingly impossible deeds before.

"Hey," he presses softly a hand over his swollen taut stomach. "We are doing great, ok? Just a little bit more, shyshu (baby)." Breathes tiredly, and is reassured by the flutter he can feel inside. 

Male omega hips were narrower than female ones, their womb settled further back, flush against the spinal cord, so giving birth was always kinda difficult. Let alone for a first timer whose hip bones had to stretch from scratch. 

Raised under the moonlight - DamianxJasonxTimWhere stories live. Discover now