Chapter One

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I get up at 6 a.m. on the first day of August and immediately head to the bathroom. Then, after applying some water to my face, I glance in the mirror at my own image once more, feeling revived. I wash up and put on my school clothes. I hastily pack my belongings and take a seat in the dining room near the kitchen because I'm very hungry.

I greet my mum and say, "Good morning, Mom."

"Hello, sweetheart. Are you ready for breakfast?"

"Please, yes!" I spoke.

I immediately tuck into some steaming pancakes that my mother had served me. My younger sister Scarlet, who is getting ready for school, emerges from her room by the time I'm finished. I wear as she consumes her breakfast. I wait for her to complete while wearing my shoes. As soon as she's through eating, we kiss our parent's good-bye and leave the house. Before we get to the bus station, neither of us says a word.

"So, which classes are you taking today?" I ask.

"Math's, Bio, P.E., History, Geo, and dance," she adds.

"That's good, I suppose."

Beside us, waiting for our school bus at the bus stop, were other people. Despite sharing my apartment with them, we hardly ever spoke to one another. We all board the bus since it has just arrived. The final seat is unoccupied, so I invite Scarlet to join me there. Up until we get to school, we sit together. We arrive at the school, and I lead Scarlet to her second-grade class, which is on the first floor. Since I'm in Grade 10, I went alone to my class, which was on the second level. I enter the room and head straight for my seat. I place my bag on the seat before leaving. I wait outside for Lily and Daisy, my best friends. I'm bored while I wait by myself.


I moan in loneliness. After a short while, Lily appears, and the two of us walk down the hallway while chatting about how annoying it is that everyone is shipping her with this man named Liam.

To be completely honest, I think her and Liam are cute together and seem to be a perfect match.

As we continue to speak, we reach back to our class, where the assembly is taking place. We all line up and head to the biology lab because it was our first class of the day. After 40 minutes, the class was over.

I tell Lily that it was fascinating because Daisy wasn't there.

Lily muttered, "Dude, I almost fell asleep."

"It wasn't that boring, though", I chuckled.

She remarked, rolling her eyes, "It was," and I sigh, "Whatever."

We may now enjoy the treats we brought from home because the break was only short. As usual, neither Lily nor I ever bring anything. We just speak, laugh, and annoy each other endlessly as we walk through the hallways. Everyone formed a line and marched to the quadrangle since our second class was dance. Our dance instructor indicated that he would choose a few ten-graders to be a part of "The School Dance Team" for Dance Day, which was on August 15. Lilly and I both gave it our all because we were both so eager to participate. Fortunately, I was chosen, but Lily wasn't. I eventually made the School Dance Team after passing all the selections. As I would soon be alone once more, I felt both happy and sad. I had the entire day to spend with Lily because the practice started the following day.

. . . .

The next day has come. And Lily and Daisy, who are talking about their stupid crushes in class, are sitting next to me. Well, I'm thankful for them, but I also find it lame and don't believe in first loves or any kind of love because they just result in pain in the end. They continue talking, and I continue to listen. I'll be honest—I'm incredibly bored.

"Talk about anything else, guys! I'm sleepy!" I spoke.

Daisy explains, "you won't understand, but this is really important."

"Cut it."

I was pulled to a corner by Lily, who says, "I'm bored too."

"Cool" I reply.

"Dude, if you attend practice this entire week, I'm going to die. I'll get swallowed by Daisy!"

"When you have her as a best friend, you have to deal with it."

"I beg you not to abandon me." she declares angrily.

I'm not leaving for life, don't worry, stupid, it's just a week and I'm going to see you every day and go to lunch with you too.

"Only a week? It seems like a year has already passed."

"Don't be too dramatic", I reply, sounding nice in her tone.

It's the first period. I hate maths. We all return to our seats as the math teacher enters, and as soon as I open my book, a familiar face enters. "Pardon me, ma'am, students who were chosen for the dance are now expected to descend." He announces. Oh my, it's that person! Ah, I recognized this face from somewhere before. I voted for him; therefore I am familiar with him. And we had to dance for their badging ceremony. Of course, I joined likewise, and during practice sessions in the auditorium, I used to converse and play truth or dare during breaks with him. Alex is his name. Whoever was chosen from the class stood up and left, and I followed. However, before leaving, I waved at Lily, and when she made a sad baby look, I simply smiled and left. He led me and the rest of the group to the school's indoor field. The training session started. I thrived. I did, I believe I did. "Take a rest", Sir urged. "You guys get a break for 20 minutes now." I went to where I kept my water bottle and sat down by myself. After a short while, 2 of my classmates approached and sat down next to me. One of them said, "Hey."

"Hello", I said. The other girl then said, "Hello," and they both looked at me, wondering why I had said hello. I stood up, walked away, and sat somewhere else, putting distance between myself and everyone else. I uncomfortably smiled and said, "I'm sorry." Such strange kids. I take a sip of water as I sit alone and hear someone remark.

"Hello Sara."

My God. Alex, I didn't expect to hear from him today...

I say, "Hello."

He inquires, "Why are you sitting alone?"

I say in the most devastating way possible, "I don't have anyone here who is a friend of mine."

He says, "Well, I'm there," with a really innocent look on his face.

I have no idea how he's intending to make me feel. "

You?" I enquire.

I was confused when he said, "Yep, I'm the only one you know here so it's me who's your friend here." Then, a man interrupts our talk and yanks Alex away as an explosion of emotions overwhelm my mind. I just sat there in awe. He just said we have stuff in common, is that true? and declared that because he is there, I don't need to be alone? I'm stunned. When our dance instructor enters, everyone gathers around him." Alex" he adds," make everyone line up." I'm in front since I'm short. I'm in the left second line of a three-column line where we need to stand. Due to the fact that he's tall, Alex is totally standing in the midst of the last line. I'm only pleased that Alex spoke with me. At least somebody cares.

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