The Haunted Mansion

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Once upon a time, in a small town nestled in the heart of the woods, there was a legend of a haunted mansion. It was said that anyone who entered the mansion never came back out. Despite the rumors, a group of friends decided to explore the mansion on a dare.

As they approached the mansion, they could feel the ominous presence emanating from the darkened windows. Nevertheless, they continued inside. The inside of the mansion was old and creaky, with spiderwebs covering the corners of every room. The friends laughed nervously, trying to convince themselves that they weren't scared.

Suddenly, the door slammed shut behind them, and they were trapped inside. They searched for a way out, but every door was locked. As they frantically tried to find a way out, they began to hear strange noises coming from upstairs. Slowly but surely, they made their way up the stairs.

Once they reached the top, they found themselves in a long, narrow hallway. The walls were lined with portraits of a family that once lived in the mansion. The friends noticed that each portrait had the same haunting expression on their faces, as if they were trapped inside the painting themselves.

Suddenly, the portraits began to come to life, and the friends realized that they were not alone in the mansion. They ran back down the hallway, but the door was still locked. They were trapped, with the haunted family closing in on them.

The friends tried to fight back, but the family was too strong. One by one, they were dragged away into the darkness, never to be seen again. The haunted mansion claimed yet another set of victims, as the legend continued to live on.

Years later, the mansion still stood, abandoned and forgotten. The townspeople knew better than to enter, for they knew that the mansion was cursed. They whispered to each other in hushed tones about the lost souls that still roamed the halls of the haunted mansion, waiting for their next victims to arrive.

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