Chapter 108: The Double Trouble!

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Izuku and Katsuki walk beside one another, keeping their gazes fixed on All Might in the far distance as they walk in silence.

"Seems like he's expecting us."  Izuku said to Katsuki as he held a confidant smile on his face.

"Must think that we'd try to escape through the gate as our first plan..."  Katsuki replied.

"Judging from what Isaw from everyone else's matches; the teachers seem to always start at thegate. Ectoplasm and Present Mic guarded it, knowing that if the teamscouldn't find them; they'd eventually be headed in that direction anyway. So chances are, All Might probably thought we'd do the same thing."  Izuku replied.

"So lame...  The only real way to win a fight is to completely obliterate your opponent into oblivion!"  Katsuki yelled. 

"Save the fireworks for when we actually get to him?  Don't burn yourself out before the match even really starts."  Izuku said to Katsuki as they continued walking.  


"It was just a piece of advice."  Izuku replied as he walked past Katsuki.

"DON'T WALK IN FRONT OF ME!!!"  Katsuki yelled as he rejoined Izuku's side.

"Even if our plan is to fight him, we'll still have to keep in mind the level of combat ability All Might possesses."  Izuku asked.  "Enhanced speed and strength, near superhuman levels of capability, as well as experience in the field itself...  There's a lot to consider, we're going to have to be on our toes when the fight starts.  We'll practically have to be in sync with each other if we want to slap these cuffs on All Might.  You know that, right?"

"OF COURSE I DO!  THINK I'M AN IDIOT OR SOMETHING!?"  Katsuki yelled.  "We'll have to throw our hardest hitting attacks on him and nothing less than that...  One slip up and it's over.  No if's, ands, or buts about it.  Save your transformations for when the fight really starts, don't want you timing out and holding me back during the midst of battle."

"I know.  Even with the handicap; we're going to be in for the fight of our lives.  Transform too early and I'll be stuck playing it safe until my Omnitrix recharges."  Izuku replied.  

"What's with that anyway?  The fuck do you have a limiter on that thing for?  Seems like a stupid thing to add for something that you need for your quirk."  Katsuki asked as he pointed to the Omnitrix.

"Well, that's a little hard to explain..."  Izuku replied nervously.

"Tch, whatever...  As long as you don't get in the way; I don't give a damn."  Katsuki replied.

"Still, I would've liked it if this new Omnitrix at least extended the time limit a bit though... I know that the purpose of it is to keep my DNA from mutating from my aliens until my body gets used to the transformations, but still... Oh well, you can't have your cake and eat it too I suppose.  All Might is a tough opponent, but it's not like he's completely invincible. Sensei taught me that everyone has a weakness.  I could go for a strength type alien like Four Arms or Diamondhead, but if we want to beat All Might; we have to be smart about how we approach him...  Brawn can't be the only way to win...  The deciding victory condition of this test will be how well me and Katsuki-kun can synergize with one another during the fight. Especially when this mystery teacher shows up..."  Izuku thought to himself as he and Katsuki continued walking.  "I can't risk wasting too much of the Omnitrix's power changing forms, I'll have to only change forms at key moments of the fights.  Meaning no matter what happens, whether I get a different alien by complete accident; I'll just have to make the best of it...!"

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