night life ( one direction, josh hutcherson fanfic)

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  • Dedicated to Jessica


The smoke was slowly spreading, creeping and crawling along the dark black stained floor. reaching every corner. my sight was blurred and i had lost my sense of hearing a long time ago. the clock was ticking upon the wall i could only just see the time.... 12:01. "joshua JOSHUA!!!" i screamed at the top of my lungs right when i realised he was not by my side. i started to panic, where was he? i was alone in this death trap that i was dragged... FORCED to go to.( night clubs aren't, my scene. )i started rushing around bumping into people here and their. "aaaah" i slipped and fell over a half empty vodka bottle right into the hands of a tall young strapping lad with curly thick brown hair and a smile that could put the angels to sleep.

chapter one: where it all being

dear david allenberg

I am Saphire-rose Pedla from the west sea college in sydney (Australia) 

I am proudly entering this competition to become camera/props crew for a 'suprise' film of your choice.

There are many things i could say to persuade you to pick me as the intern like im poor, my parents are dead etc ( It was a joke.... I hope your laughing!)

But i am not gonna tell you any of that, i just want to simply say i am a young girl who has a dream to become a director.

Being apart of this competition could be what leads me to a career in the industry. i am a very hard worker and would do everything 

i am told to do.

 Thankyou for reading my letter 

and HOPE to see you soon

saphire-rose Pedla :-)

" that should do the trick" i whispered to myself as i folded the letter, and shove it into the envolope, placing a big postage stamp on the envolope i shove it in my bag and started to get ready for.... another day of torcherous school thank GOD their is only one more term of school and then I will  finally be 18! Free to do as i please!

"curfew 9:00 SHARP" Mum screams from the Kitchen "whatever mum!!!" well i almost can do all i want.

before i ran out the door i checked my appearance in the mirror, my dirty blonde curly hair sat nicley done in a side fishtail plait hanging off my shoulder, my sky blue eyes starring at my reflection while the light reflected onto my pale skin making it shine like the sun. as i move a strand of hair off my face i push open the grey front door and head to my car ( a silver holden) Before i head to the dreaded place i call school, I just had to stop at the post office to send in my Competition letter. I could not wait another moment! Once i got to the post office i basically jumped out the car and ran for the big clear doors. I had to wait seconds for them to automatically open. Those seconds felt like hours. I ran in. I must be there first customer. I looked around the room and finally saw the hug Post Box sitting lonsome at the back of the room, in a dark corner, i sprinted to the Box a shoved my Envolope in. I felt relief wash upon my body. I took a deep breath and exited the Post office. feeling embarrassed i made such a fuss over what looked to be a simple white envolope. But it wasn't. That envolope was my future.....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2013 ⏰

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